It has finally happened!

East Cape striped marlin have become aggressive. For the last couple of days boats targeting marlin are releasing multiple fish per day. Fish are close as well. Yesterday afternoon we saw marlin feeding 3 miles from our buoy.

Bigger news is the arrival of yellowfin tuna. Yesterday to the North, near Punta Perico, El Loco II found a school of bottlenosed dolphin with large tuna feeding. They managed two hook ups using caballitos. On Jen Wren III we landed a 50 pound class tuna, 20 miles east of Punta Pescadero while hunting for broadbill. Also several boats traveled south to San Luis and all had success. The report on the VHF was lots of tuna feeding on the surface. Most of the tuna to the South were landed on cedar plugs and hoochies.

(and folks ask me why I moved here!)

Yesterday Marine Colonel Bob Tilley and his bride Rene celibrated their 55th wedding aniversiy fishing on Jen Wren III

We ran off shore in search of broadbill but had to settle for other species. Bob puts the heat to a striped marlin

We were shocked at how hard this fish fought until realizing it was hooked in the top of its head.

The day turned into a mixed bag with a surpise attack of a yellowfin.

One of my best kept secrets is the Halco GT jig. It has been deadly on wahoo and we have been able to get tuna to go when other methods are not working

Our first sushi for 2011.

Bullet tuna
More good news! When we trolled by the outer buoys off Punta Pescadero our fish finder lit up. There is tonage of bait piling up out there.


Horiltos and babie dorado filled our sabikis on every drop. With all this bait goods things are going to happen for anglers visiting the East Cape.

Mark Rayor