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Thread: Lower Yuba wading options?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Truckee, CA.


    JB, I once told the mostly true tale of my intro on the T.
    1st the cute lil guy who fit my dinky high-country net. The second fish I had to fold to fit it in.
    I got a new bigger net, 3d-4th or so.. bigger fish, I had to fold'em into the new net.
    I got another new net. Then I hooked my first Walter class fish. Yep, had to fold him.
    Got a bigger net now, Brodins "EXcaliber" (love the name!), big clear bag, long handle, sweet.
    Every once in a while, they still hang over a bit. But, like you said, not a pressing technical concern.
    We live in a beautiful world.

    I believe the technical term for this snow acumulation rate is "pukeing".
    I've been told by a buddy in Truckee that I may not see my overturned boat till June.
    I'm hiding in Reno, futzing all day maybe 5"of fresh.

    Last edited by bigfly; 02-18-2011 at 03:36 AM.
    Bigfly guide service helping fly fishers since 2002.
    Truckee river and Northern California waters.

    For best results, fish on the fish's schedule, not yours....


  2. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

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    Some of the recent posts have been absolutely hilarious, especially from Ralph:

    -I'm sure the naysayers are frustrated from surfing the web trying to find information contrary to the truth I posted, namely, that UC got a hatchery building at Tahoe in exchange for public access to the UC property on the Yuba River.

    -Sure, there's been some after-the-fact renegging and re-dealing, by UC and a gullible higher-up at DFG (Banky) but a deal is a deal, at the time you made the deal. What's odd about this one is that access has disintegrated from public, to lottery, to a smaller lottery, and then to occasional fishing clubs? I'm guessing I'm not alone on this - but I think I remain a member of the public without being a member of a fishing club.

    -and the comment about "public access" not meaning unrestricted? ummmm, yeaaahhhh....go study up on some terms like that (public and private access).

    -I'm not going to hand-hold the rabble-rousers through this one; I pay taxes, I buy my license, and I expect the civil servants who collect on them - and that means DFG - be able to take access issues like this up. While I appreciate current events of state budgets and managing of crises only, this has been going on long enough, with an unfair resolution.

    -But I would pay more - for Public Access - NOT club access. Given the declining state of access which Bob alluded to (and the progressive decline in licenses - which I attribute to the elitism associated with non-public access) - that's why I'd be willing to pay an extra, optional license stamp fee, for the express purpose of funding public access improvements, as well as enforcing previously agreed access as in this case.

    Back on topic: I still say head upstream on the Dooba; north bank; UC does not hassle you....

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Martinez Ca.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Laskodi View Post
    Well, to be truthful, for starters, I really don't give a poop about the Zooba (surprise huh!). IMNSHO, it's the most overrated place to fish in the state. Not my cup 'o tea fishing in a moonscape mine tailing environ with loads of people, and loads of other people with a get the he77 off my property attitude even though it's completely legal to be in the floodplain (contrary to what most land owners have to say). The Zooba fishes pretty decently, but I have fished it exactly once over the past 3 years. I have much better places to fish in the same time frame that the Zooba fishes decently, much prettier environ, much better fishing, and that no one knows about and isn't discussed on the internet. Haven't seen my favorite fishing place discussed here in years (in any way, shape, or form) and I like it that way. So that's my cup 'o tea. And I have plenty of pics of me & Chris hoisting nice fish from this wonderful place that never see the light of day on this forum. Old history here, but I've been involved in lotsa battles over the years regarding land access, more specifically river/waterway access, whilst employed by the USFS. And I see a disturbing (to me) trend of locking up public access areas to "protect them against the hordes" attitude, especially amongst FF. Again, not my cup o' tea, as that's the origin of my previous quote you took offense to. As far as old Ame playing me, not really, I'm an old dog that don't do new tricks. And any one who actually knows me (and has fished with me) will tell you that I'm a no BS kinda guy, who knows what he's talking about and not afraid to say it, and is influenced and intimidated by no one. And I just happen to agree with Ame on this. As far as opening to local clubs, I suspect that's UC's way of getting around the public access issue. And if those clubs are the same as my local FF club (that I'm VP of), you have to be a member to join in the fishing trips and I'm not really interested in joining every fly club in the state just to access a particular river. Public means public (oh wait, I'm repeating myself), and I don't think what's happening on the Zooba fits my definition of public.
    And just to lighten up the tone a bit and to prove I have fished the Zooba here's a few pics of Chris swinging it down and with a nice one!

    Ain't that the truth !!!I'll likely never fish the Zooba again. Why would I when theres other rivers to fish that put that place to shame ! Were 20 fish days are common, Yes even in the dead of winter many on dry's.It is the most overated river in our area ! I love fishing the rivers nobody ever mentions, Been out every single weekend this year and have seen few anglers and often times see nobody !

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default fishing is fun!!

    Sounds like you like are having fun out there troutbum!!! Seen you out there on most of rivers and lakes over the years... Are you ice fishing and snow camping now...

    For all of you that don't know about Amoeba just check out his old posts. He either can not catch a fish or he just likes to post a bunch of BS. He is the guy that said the shad fishing sucked when everyone one else was catching. He also tries to downplay or BS about the egg hatches....

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2007



    The only BS I downplay, is BS. I called it as it is and take nothing back. I don't have to look to old posts to find BS in yours - look at your last one, for example. I do not BS. And that's no BS.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Utah and loving it !!:)


    Quote Originally Posted by JasonB View Post
    got a bit more than I bargained for.
    Very sad IMO and why i very rarely go on any forums anymore !!
    Last edited by RobK.; 02-24-2011 at 11:17 PM.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Those are more than respectable fish pictures; next up on the doob will be march browns and baetis on top, with sucker-spawn to follow.


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