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Thread: Cataraft Travel, big changes in altitude

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Cataraft Travel, big changes in altitude

    Hi People

    Newb here. Nice place you guys got going here. I did meet a few of the members here at Phil Rowley’s seminar at Lake Davis in October. I was guy with the white and grey homemade boat. That was a fine outing. Learned a few things too.

    Here’s my situation. I’ve got a new cataraft (WaterReady 13’) that I’ll be using in rivers and also a lot of Stillwater. It will be on a trailer. I live in the foothills at 1300’ elevation. One my favorite lakes is at 5500’ elevation. In between is an 8600’ pass I’ve got to go over to get to the lake. It’s a 2 hour drive. You know the one . . . I’d say the name, but
    I Can’t Remember.

    So assuming the tubes are inflated at 1300’ at a pressure that wont cause them to blow up at 8600’, the problem is what’s the best way to strap the boat to the trailer at home. It has to be tight enough to travel at 60 mph with out flopping around, yet compensate for the tube expansion at 8600’ without being too tight.

    I don’t really want to have to get in an out of the truck multiple times to tweak the straps if I can find a better way.

    The thought crossed my mind to build a rack on trailer that the frame floor would ride on, leaving the tubes suspended in mid air. But I’m thinking that the tubes would rattle around too much in the 60 mph breeze and cause a lot of wear at the places where the dry straps and frame make contact.

    Suggestions? Am I imagining a problem where none exists? I know a lot of you guys go over that Hump also. Who’s got it figured out?

    By the way, if you guys have some sort of ceremonial razzing that you give the newbs,
    then let her rip. We don’t want to break with Tradition. Hell, I was raised by wolves and don’t feel pain like normal humans anyway.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Highlands, Ca.


    Welcome aboard Dennis.

    Several of us have had that same problem. Here's what you do.

    Get yourself a big bag of cheap rubber bands, a pizza cutter, and 2 pairs of old gym socks. The solution will just jump right out at you.

    Your welcome.

    Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Jake: Hit it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Hey Ed

    Thanks for that

    One question.

    did you wash the old gym socks ???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    redding ca


    no. the stench is a stimulate. it gets you thinking clearly.


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