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Thread: Spey Clave Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Bay Area/East Bay

    Default Spey Clave Update

    Looks like many people are interested in the idea of a Spey Clave in Northern California, to aid in the discussion of all the issues involved in such an undertaking I have numbered the items below.

    1. Name: We need a name, American River Spey Clave seems simple enough and reasonable, any other suggestions ?

    2. Date: End of June seems to work for everyone contacted so far, Bob Meiser is going to be in Japan first 10 days or so of June, so if we want to partake of his legendary beer basted brats we have to keep this in mind. It will probably be held on a Friday & Saturday, Sunday could be made available for those who want to teach longer classes/clinics. Any reason the 3rd or 4th weekend in June is better ?

    3. Location: Somewhere on the American would be good, I am not local to Sacramento and not completely familiar with all the parks on the American, so we need some of you local guys to decide on a place and contact the Park authorities about setting aside space for us. Having access to both river right and river left would be a great asset. Seems like Sunrise might be a good place although when flows are low you can wade across Watt Ave to the island to cast river right. But it seems we never really know what the local water managers are going to do, if they send a big slug of water to the central valley farmers we may not be able to cross at Watt. We need a long enough gravel bar to accommodate all the guys who want to cast rods and still have room for those who want to watch demonstrations.

    4. Purpose: The purpose will be to host a FREE event and give people the greatest opportunity possible to cast rods and lines in a venue that most approximates a fishing experience, moving water. Attendees should have the opportunity to interact as closely as possible with the rod builders, demonstrators, and guides, etc., on a personal and informal basis.

    One of the complaints I have heard about other Spey Claves is that they can become more about casting demonstrations and personalities and then attendees do not have ample opportunity to cast the rods and lines they want.

    5. Website: There will be a website.

    6. Mission Statement: It has been suggested that we develop a Mission Statement for the event, any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Essentially, this should reflect the purpose, which is discussed above.

    7. Current Roster of Attendees: Gary is in, Kerry is in, Bob is in, Beulah is in, Rajeff Sports is interested and will probably attend. Thanks for all the valuable advice you guys have provided.

    Bob Meiser wants to cook his legendary beer-basted Brats for lunch on Saturday.

    Kerry Burkheimer said that some of his Pro Staff, Brian Styskal, and Whitney Gould, would be interested in giving demonstrations and conducting paid classes but that they would try to keep the price low.

    The event should be open to everyone interested in attending, so think of which other rod companies, line manufacturers, guides, instructors, company reps you might like to see and please contact them. Sage and TFO come to mind but I do not have contact info.

    8. Schedule of Events (potential): It has been suggested that the event run for 2 days, a Friday and Saturday starting around 9am and going until 4 pm. There should be at least an hour or two of just product testing before demonstrations begin at about 10 or 11 am and running until 2 pm. Any demonstrations aimed at new comers to Spey casting should be first up and demonstrations of more advanced concepts should be after lunch. Each demonstration should be allotted 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions to allow for a good number of demonstrations. Those instructors wanting to teach formal classes might schedule them for Sunday. It might be good to have at least one class a day free for beginners with some personal attention provided by our local spey enthusiasts.

    9. Volunteers: Anyone interested in assisting with planning or running the event please PM me and list your email address. We will probably develop an email list through a website later to keep everyone updated.

    Thanks to everyone who has made suggestions and offered to help. I look forward to seeing your comments on all aspects of this event.

    Thank you Bill Kiene for hosting a fantastic message board and allowing us the opportunity to explore ideas such as hosting our own local Spey Clave.
    Last edited by Cal; 01-27-2010 at 11:41 PM. Reason: Added additional information.
    Brian Endlich

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sonoma/Lake Counties


    I would pick a site that gives the most casting space and if at all possible access to both sides of the river. Watt is nice but it does not have all that much room for a bunch of folks to all spread out - the bridge kinda limits you upstream

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Steelhead Rivers


    Hi Brian,

    Sorry to jump into this so late but would be glad to help from the Kiene's side of things. I think it would be important to have as many manufacturers as possible and get a good line up of demos. From a local standpoint we can have Jeff Putnam and Bill Lowe do demos along with some other top names such as Brian Styskal and Whitney Gould.

    I think the best place for this would near the lower walking bridge at sunrise giving us enough space for people to demo, cast , and set up booths/tarps. Not to mention we can utilize both sides of the rivers.

    I will be in the shop friday through monday and feel free to call and we can discuss of the details.
    Jason Hartwick
    Kiene's Fly Shop
    Steelhead on the Spey Guide Service

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Jason is right about the walk bridge at Sunrise. It would give at least a hundred yards of gravel bar on each side of the river, up and down stream, probably the two safest parking lots, and lots of shaded pic-nic tables.

    I would be happy to make pulled pork sanwiches on friday, also.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default spey calve update

    Jason, the lower bridge at sunrise isn't it where the rafts put in? If it is I think it could be pretty busy to demo the rods. On the other hand the parking lot would be perfect for the tents. Just a thought!!.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Steelhead Rivers



    Good point. Didn't think about it being in June. Part of the reason I think we should shoot for a different date. The American is a gong show any day of the week in the summer no matter what part of the river we go. I think sometime in March or April would be good.

    Jason Hartwick
    Kiene's Fly Shop
    Steelhead on the Spey Guide Service

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I've helped put together mission statements and the like... I think I'd be willing to help.
    Often wrong, seldom in doubt!

  8. #8


    I think April or early May is good. It can also be damm hot in June

    my 2 cents


    I will help if needed

  9. #9


    The rafters will be out in full force, and they will be in full party mode. I am having fun imagining speycasting with a bunch a half naked drunks floating down the river, spraying Bob Meiser and Kerry Burkheimer with super soakers

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento, CA

    Default We'll be prepared!

    Thats gonna be a fun water fight! The intoxicated rafters vs the spey casters, there will be scotch, right? Cant spey without scotch.
    The Sandy River Spey Clave (largest in the US) is held at a venue (Oxbow Park, Sandy River, OR) that is similar to Riverbend (Geothe), except the water is too deep on the Sandy to wade out far enough to simulate river-right. Riverbend allows you to wade out far enough to simulate both sides. One concern is the raft takeout however, it is far enough upriver (1/4 mile?) to not interfere. There will be a few rafters drifting through and taking out at Harrington, downriver but that is where the scotch comes in... we'll be prepared by being on an equally inebriated level. Its on! (kidding about the scotch....not really).
    Riverbend does provide plenty of shade for the vendors. Its about 100 yards (west end of the park) to the water making it convenient to try out rods and watch presentations.
    The park will have to be reserved as it is a very popular weekend hangout. It would be nice to get there early the day of the clave and rope off the west corner of the park under the trees. We might have to hire a parking patrolman to watch the vehicles!....I might be available that day... I'll check my schedule and get a uniform. Just some
    Last edited by Jeff Putnam; 01-29-2010 at 04:20 PM.
    Jeff Putnam
    JP Flyfishing Schools


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