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Thread: Spey Ettiquette???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Spey Ettiquette???

    OK Guys,.... I've been ruminating about this since last Thursday eve.... My fishin' partner and I were fishin' Shad at upper Sunrise in a number of persons with wide spacing.... A spey caster walked in below us a decent/safe distance (...I thought) and started casting. No problem.

    His technique was not the "D" cast I've seen but some form of cast that required an upstream flop, followed by a forward roll cast. His forward cast was no longer than any other in the line-up but the flop came very close to me and I my partner.... Enough so that I was thinking of having a few words with this person but thought the best (worst) of it.... After a few of those casts, we left.....

    Is the cast I described the norm for spey casting If so, what do you guys do about fishin' in a line-up with a bunch of grouchy guys....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento, CA


    Spey rods are not real good for fishing in a line up. Darian, your'e description of the cast did not clue me into the type of cast the guy was using. Some casts require line to go in strange directions, many of the standard spey casts need a fair amount of room upstream and downstream.

    Either the spey caster was rude or he didn't quite relize how close his line was getting to you guys.

    There are ethics with any type of fly fishing, unfortunately some do not follow as well as others.

    Not all spey guys are unethical as far as personal fishing space. Not all spey rods are ment to be used in close quarters.
    Limit Your Kill - Don't Kill Your limit

    Adam Grace
    Past Kiene's Staff Member

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Ethics....

    Thanks Adam,.... . After reading your note, I tend to think this guy was new to the game. He did disturb a lot of surface, and the cast; not at all like other spey casters I've seen.....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sonoma/Lake Counties


    Kinda sounds like a double spey if he is first positioning the line upstream. But then you sweep downstream and around to form the D loop. It can be disconcerting to someone just upstream. As long as the grabs are coming out in the river, the disturbance near the fisherman might not be an issue but it certainly can be when the grabs are coming on the swing closer to shore. If there was room below you, it seems he should have moved down farther and for sure it is always nice to ask before going in on someone especially below the person. Not as big an issue if in a stationary line up as opposed to a moving one where everyone is fishing the run through and rotating.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Line-ups....

    Hi Rick,.... What disurbed me was the proximity of the upstream "flop" to me and my partner wsitout so much as a, am I coming too close to you It's a little un-nerving to have someone waving a fly around parallel to a line-up....

    I've been in Salmon line-ups where guys like that were taken aside and given instructions to go get some lessons. The alternative didn't need to be spoken.

    Actually, I didn't care whether he was fishing downstream from me.... He wasn't catching anything but people all around him were.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento, CA


    He definately wasn't casting well. Those spey rods can cover more water than single-handed rods. Although they aren't the most helpful when fishing in close to the bank, unless you can control and minimize your casting.
    Limit Your Kill - Don't Kill Your limit

    Adam Grace
    Past Kiene's Staff Member

  7. #7


    It was probably a snap-T which fires the line and fly upstream to set up the D loop and forward cast. Sounds like a novice who likely did not know how to cast well (understandable) or how to control the gear he was using in such close proximity (understandable for the first time or 2, then just plain rude to continue). Hollering "Hey, buddy, little room here, huh!?" likely would have gotten him a few steps farther downstream.


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