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Thread: another weekend AR report (not a bump)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Amoeba The guides like EA, CG, have it right they are in water we can't reach as bank guys, I know I'v been in a line up where the guy next to me was lighting it up and I'm swinging the same setup same flies same shooting head and he's catching 5to 1, but when or if he pulls out i slide in and presto now I'm the man!! What a defference a few feet make
    My Dad use to say to me " your not holding you mouth right"
    I did fish thur. & fri. Thur. I did well 20+ Fri. hot so much! same places same setup.???
    Thats why it's called fishing!!
    Last edited by ALAN MAX; 05-27-2009 at 09:49 AM.
    "addicted to bent rods"

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    The reason I posed the question is because Mike1 said Charlie gets skunked (as does anyone else, and every guide) and he posts it; but I couldn't find such a skunk post.

    That was followed up by a couple posts by Charlie and EA saying they were skunked, but didn't post it; but now they always catch fish, that they have done the recon (is this something only guides do?), that they have a boat (only guides have boats?). Mike1 nor anyone else actually provided the reference I asked for.

    But to me (and I'm not alone on this - other than saying it), this snarky and repetitive "I always catch fish", with the caveat that they have "days open" "come and git em" and prices and client satisfaction and such, comes off as undisguised self promotion and free advertising. Why don't you just report the fishing, and forget the rest about your guiding operation? It is old and tiresome.

    And, incidentally - to the poster who covers "5-10 miles" in their boat, please everyone be reminded of the 5 mph, no wake zone for most of the American River. So that's 2 hours each way for your 10 miles. Not busting loose at 20-30 mph between fishing stops, and slowing down 100 yards from the boat ramp. Unless you think that guides have some exception to the law and the associated premises of safety and boatwake bank erosion avoidance. So please set an example and slow down, and provide for that time allowance in your guiding operation.

  3. #13


    WHO's snarky?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Why so much anger??? Is it because you got skunked and others are not? Like everyone else said it is called fishing not catching. And why are you going off on tangents? You have no proof these guides on here are the ones speeding around. These things have nothing to do with your original post.
    If he had it his way nobody who did not know how to catch a fish would be allowed to disgrace a fish by catching it

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I don't know shad, but I do know fish. Last weekend sucked for walleye on a local lake where the week prior we slayed 'em. It was a weak front that triggered the slowdown, probably the same one you experienced (We typically get your weather a 1/2 day or so later. With the quarter - half moon rising (and warmer temps) typically the fishing (for anything) will improve. I have had my fair share of fishless trips, but when I am fly fishing it doesn't seem to matter as much. Enjoy it for what it is.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sebastian, FL, USA, Earth


    Fishing is different every day for everyone out there, even people in the same boat?

    We just fished 5 days in Baja with about 10 in our group.

    Results were different for everyone, even in the same boats, every day.

    We had 2 slow days, 2 OK days and one smoken' hot day.

    That's fishing......

    I think it's OK if the guides actually do better than we do because many of them have been out there for many days and many years.

    It's not a's just fishing.

    Wade fishing for shad is always better in the AM and PM.

    Day time Shad fishing is best from an anchored boat but you have to anchor in one of the exact right spots and have the right sinkrate line and sometimes the right fly.

    If I wanted to catch Shad for sure I would go with a guide or someone who fishes them a lot.

    I think that sadly, egos really play too much of a roll in this fly fishing stuff.

    I'm happy to just get out there.

    PS: All the guides who post here are friends of ours so take it easy on them. I think they play an important part in the fly fishing world.
    Bill Kiene (Boca Grande)

    567 Barber Street
    Sebastian, Florida 32958

    Fly Fishing Travel Consultant
    Certified FFF Casting Instructor

    Cell: 530/753-5267

    Contact me for any reason........


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