It's been quite windy this spring, and the seas have been far too surly for this old phart. Of course, Easter would bring a break in the winds and the surf would be relatively benign, so the Easter bunny would have to wait. I'm glad we went because the surf was quite rewarding this early morning. Hitting a low minus tide at 7:00 AM with only two foot swells I was hoping to catch a few surf perch. Boy, was I ever short in expectations! Between Chris and myself we got around 75 surf perch, and would have easily hit the 100 mark if someone (we won't mention any names, but he has a long history of breaking rods!) would have not broken their flyrod right when I found the mother of all perch schools. I found a trough that was just loaded with walleye perch, with my first cast bringing in a double, and that started the floodgates to open. A non-stop bite ensued for the next hour, with many doubles, and quite a few triples being brought to hand. The hot fly was #6 Bonefish Bitters in orange and tan, and the perch were all over that fly. Although I think I could have lashed a cigarette butt to a hook and done just as well!
Some big barred surf perch were in the mix for the day and one slab I landed went 16", which would be the largest BSP to date for me. On to the fish porn!

This was the spot. We were able to wade out on the far sand bar and were throwing in the trough parallel to shore right where the big water spot is on my lens! This was the pattern for the day and we cleaned up in every trough that we could get to the bar on the far side.

No wonder he breaks rods so much, he's throwing four foot double hauls

One of many doubles on the day!

A triple and a huge tangle for the old phart!

The old phart scores a slab BSP

One of many nice BSP's nailed

Matthew's Bonefish Bitter (Orange) working it's magic!

The old phart was nailing the big BSP's today!

My stripping bucket is 16" wide!