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Thread: Overnighter @ Lundborg Landing in mid-October!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fair Oaks , California


    Capt. Jerry -

    ANY day is a pot luck . Whatever/whenever you want to .....

    My dear wife and I LOVE to host these things ....... when everyone comes in from the 'front' , we'll be ready .

    I can only hope that most of the same crew from last July will be there , those guys are as tough as nails . Boss , Jim C. , Charlie G. , KD , Nightgoat , Chris V. , Hairstacker , Rickey N.M. , Richard , Mike Newman a bunch of other great FFers ! We had a great time , despite the heat tryin' to KILL us

    This should be an amusing trip :P .


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tracy, CA


    David, yep, the more the merrier! Just hope everyone who reads this thread knows this get-together is open to anyone who cares to stop by and fish/chat/hang out. Great opportunity to meet some folks, discuss tactics, mull over flies, compare rigging preferences, etc. . . may be particularly informative for those who are just getting into Delta topwater bassing.
    -- Mike

    Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I'm under the impression that a float tube is not an adequate craft for enjoyably fishing that part of the Delta.

    Question 1: is that true?

    Question 2: any of you boat owners willing to take a passenger who promises to (a) bring beverages and (b) laugh at your jokes?

    Question 3: for those of us whose heaviest rod is a 5-weight, is borrowing a heavier rod an absolute necessity or just a really good idea? Put another way, I've caught largemouths on the flies I can throw with my 5-weight; besides the fact that high winds will frustrate the hell out of me, is there a reason a 5-weight (with an appropriately heavy leader) will not work out there?

    Life is too short to drink bad beer.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fair Oaks , California


    Mike C. -

    You CAN use a tube in Piper Slough - it's all 5 MPH/no wake there . The current can really get going , so you need to be pretty careful , though ... You can likely mooch a ride , as several people last year had spare seats .

    At low tide , it'll be a bitch to move around , what with all the weedbeds .

    A 5 wt. is a bit light - If you don't have anything heavier by October , you can use one of my spares , won't be any trouble at all ....

    Hairstacker -

    Good point - anyone who can make it will have fun !


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tracy, CA


    Mike, I've only fished that location once before so I'm not sure about float tubes -- perhaps someone else can pipe in. I fished it out of an inflatable kayak and my impression was, yes, I think you can do it in a float tube. It didn't seem like the slough in front of Lundborgs had much current, although there will be some slow boat traffic. Once you get across the slough in front of Lundborg's and enter the main body of Frank's Tract, there's some good water that I think a float tuber will enjoy. The only caveat is that I just don't know how shallow that area gets at low tide.

    I don't have a boat that'll take passengers so I can't help you there, but I would be really surprised if someone doesn't invite you into their boat.

    As far as the 5 wt., borrowing a heavier rod is not an absolute necessity. I fished an assertive 5 wt. rod with a WF6F bass bug taper line for several years on the Delta (probably around 100 or so trips) before I opted to use a 7 wt. instead. With my 5 wt. rod and a leader with a .021 butt and .011 tippet, I had no problems at all fishing size 2 deer hair bass bugs and Clousers and had a blast doing it. I prefer my 7 wt. rod, though, as it has more backbone to turn bigger fish from nasty cover, and I think it is a better choice for largemouth bass over 18". Another consideration is that, given the October timeframe, you may unintentionally hook a striper that will thrash you with your 5 wt. But again, for topwater largemouth bass bugging, I think a 5 wt. is very do-able. Given the option, though, I would prefer a 7 wt. myself.
    -- Mike

    Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tracy, CA


    David, I didn't realize you were posting at the same time, sorry!

    Mike, what David said.
    -- Mike

    Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    If I still have my boat you can count me in. Just a day trip though cuz i have to save my weekend passes for duck season. Ahh duck season, its just around the corner(64 days til the opener).

    Now the pot luck,from reading Bills post it sounded to me that he was suggesting one when Jay comes to the shop the week pior to the outing. But as David points out any day is a pot luck day.

    Count me in. I'll bring some killer baked beans.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    David, thank you very much for the kind offer. I'll take you up on it and bring my 5 along for comparison.

    Count me in for the day on Saturday. Beyond that I can't say--I'm spending two weekends in September out of town hunting and I can only get so many free passes from the wife and kids.

    I'll bring the tube just in case, but hope to hitch a ride. Does an ice chest full of good beer attract any boat owners out there?

    Life is too short to drink bad beer.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Might be able to make it out there to join you guys. I'll definitely mark it on my calendar and see if the little one cooperates as the date gets closer.
    Would be nice to at least drop by and say hi over a beer and tye a few bugs.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Saturday

    Barring work related interruptions, I'll be there Saturday and Sunday after all.

    Thanks to Capt. Jerry, I also have a ride for Sunday.

    Anyone need gas money for Saturday?

    Life is too short to drink bad beer.


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