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Thread: PETA's campaign against fishing

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    How this thread took a serious note I have no idea.
    I see Anon's point about impact on the fish. Keep in mind, there are other studies that PETA convieniently fails to site which show fish do not have the receptors to experience pain as we do.

    That being said, a guy C&R fishing every day will most likely have more of an impact on a fishery than a catch and keep dude that shows up once in a blue moon for a weekend warrior trip.

    But the C&R guy/gal is most likely going to give back more through restoration, cleanup and just general environmental donations.

    Do we have an impact on what we target. Absolutely.
    Do we do more than PETA ever could for our fishery and recovery of species. Not a doubt.
    Some of these activist groups like PETA forgot what the first few letters of activism stand for. ACT. Do something and get off the soap box.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Chico, CA


    Seriously guys, go the opposite direction of a PETA member and check out a BIOLOGY book and compare the brains of advanced vertebrates vs. fish/amphibians and the like. You can ALWAYS find the answer when you turn to the biology of the subject

  3. #33

    Default Re: PETA's campaign against fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Grace
    Their new billboards read "If You Wouldn't Do This to a Dog, Why Do It to a Fish?" Below is the picture that accompanies that slogan:

    What do you guys think about this?
    I was fishing the upper sac at dark and tried to cast and something was wrong. I held my rod tip up and my line was moving!! I said to someone nearby "hey, come look at this" and he was like wow, a bat, and grabbed, and let it go.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Just a thought....... This World would be a lot better off if People would only mind their own BUSINESS................

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    anyone see this Peta prank Video , its one of my favorites.
    Vets , Thanks for your service !!

  6. #36


    my pup ate a copper john a few years back on the mccloud and still whined less than those peta folks do.

  7. #37

    Default Re: PETA's campaign against fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Grace
    Their new billboards read "If You Wouldn't Do This to a Dog, Why Do It to a Fish?" Below is the picture that accompanies that slogan:

    What do you guys think about this?
    I hope that is a photoshop, or else someone should have them charged with animal cruelty. PETA people step on bugs all the time and do they consider themselves murderers? Not all animals are the same, case in point, humans are animals.


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