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Thread: Yucatan trip report-equipment note

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    San Andreas, Calif.

    Default Yucatan trip report-equipment note

    After doing the "fly line dance" on the panga deck, for so many years, I decided to get a stripping basket, made by Stan PLeskunas. The benefits of this basket, when fishing from a boat are incredible, and I would highly recommend it.

    Here is a picture of the basket, used on a previous trip to Louisiana, wade fishing.

    My partner and I shared the basket the entire trip, when fishing from the boat, and we both agreed it is an essential item to have.

    For this past trip to the Yucatan, I more closely watched my partner attempt to control the line. With the almost constant wind, the line was blown overboard, or under foot, or ?, which would end up fouling the cast.
    With the basket, line management was not an issue. I was always prepared for a cast without line issues.
    When my 30-min. fishing session was up, and it was my turn to sit out a session, I had the line coiled in the basket, ready to go.

    The bottom of the basket pops out, you pull out the pins, and the whole thing flattens to take up very little space, and weight.

    For pemit and bonefish especially, making that first cast a good one is SO important.

    These baskets will be available soon, so watch for them.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005



    Thanks for the tip. I have heard a lot of great things about this basket. I may have to spring for one when they become available.

    That place in your picture is WILD! It looks like a flat...downtown....with catfish???


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    San Andreas, Calif.


    Hi Jay,

    By all means put this basket on your list. You will love it!

    Yes, that was an interesting place to fish. When I was in Miss. fishing reds our guided trip was blown out, so we took the ferry out to Ship Island and wade-fished for reds. There happened to be a big school of Sea Catfish, or hardheads as they are called, right next to the old fort (in the background).
    We had a blast catching them and actually cast to a bull shark that cruised by every 10 minutes or so. I had a 10 wt. rod rigged with a big popper and actually had the shark follow and make a pass at the popper. Then I realized that where I was standing was not very wise!! Grin!



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