Quote Originally Posted by bigfly View Post

We still have water in the river! Mostly the lower section.....
Made it through Summer without a die-off.
With some snow on the crest we can breath easy for a minute.
Little creeks may start to flow again, and the main stem will rise a bit over time..
The water is small, but very beautiful.....
The fish are feisty!
Temp is mid 50s, maybe bring some fleece for underneath waders.....
Haven't seen any stones for a week or so.
Mahongany Dunns, and Baetis are a-flyin'.
A few tan speckled Caddis too.
And of course, midges......
The most amazing thing though......Hoppers! (So try a hopper/dropper....)
They are still doing the mating flight when it warms around noon.
Definitely a long-running year.
Seeing risers again finally.
I drew the long straw yesterday....
Hooked a nice fish on the first drift w/Cutters Bi-vis BWO.
Then we sat down to wait for them to start rising again.
Kept checking back, They never did.........
These guys are SPOOKY!
Stay low, and get that first drift in there..........
Have fun, and think SNOW!!!!!!!!

Was on BT and LT today. Picked up a few
Nice browns on LT. Big time BWO hatch had them jumping.
Water temp was 47 in am and only low 50's by mid day.
Tossed a few streamers as well to mix it up.