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Thread: How NOT to start a trip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default How NOT to start a trip

    Spent about 10 days in Yellowstone over the 4th and following week. We arrived in the park on the 4th and everyone was tired from the trip...except dad who was eyeing the Madison. Went out for a few hours of fishing before we went into town so the kids could see the fireworks and agreed to meet the family at 9 at a pull-out. Fishing was good, was at the spot at the appointed time and we saw a nice fireworks show.
    Was only in the am when I decided to get up early and fish some more that I realized I was missing my chest-pack. Ran back to the pull-out and nothing there. Tore apart the truck - nothing. Walked the river - nothing. Must have taken it off while waiting for the family and left it behind. First day, all gear except rods and reels gone. Nearly got sick.
    Checked in with various ranger stations and campgrounds but no one had it. They gave me a number and had me fill out a form - the lost and found crew wouldn't be in again until the following Monday.
    Saturday I was miserable, but managed to right my attitude and enjoy the next couple days. Bought some cheap flies from the Yellowstone stores and fished a little.
    Tuesday I call the number - turns out they have something at the front gate, might be mine. Take the hour drive and nearly do a little dance when they bring out my pack. Seems a maintenance worker found it and turned it in. Took a few days to get in the system with the holiday and all.

    That gentleman will be getting a nice thank-you in the mail.

    Did a little more fishing, but the trip was mostly about the kids.

    Lamar was high and off-color. Firehole and Madison were fishing well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Man, that would make me sick too. Heck, even if I lost ONE of my fly boxes
    I'd be bummed.

    Glad you got it back John. You must be livin right...good karma baby!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Yeah, I had about 90% of my flies in there. The rest of the gear was easily replaceable, but the fly boxes took years to put together.

    Wife was certain we'd get it back. She once found a purse in the park stuffed with several thousand dollars in cash. She turned it in just as a hysterical woman came running in. Declined the offered reward. So she figured the universe owed us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnD View Post
    Yeah, I had about 90% of my flies in there. The rest of the gear was easily replaceable, but the fly boxes took years to put together.

    Wife was certain we'd get it back. She once found a purse in the park stuffed with several thousand dollars in cash. She turned it in just as a hysterical woman came running in. Declined the offered reward. So she figured the universe owed us.
    LOL. Well that's cool it turned out.

    I spread my flies around into 3 different boxes. That way if I do lose one box, I still have some similar flies in other boxes.
    It would still hurt because one box has mostly caddis, mayflies etc, but I have other boxes with small amounts of those flies.

    So far so good...hope I didn't jinx myself my mentioning it.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Of course, if I lose my vest, I'm screwed!


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