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Thread: A question for the more mature fly fishers...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Rafael


    A wading walker... that's great!

    Turned 30 this week. Feels just like 29. I told my boss (whose in his 70s) the other day that I could remember when stamps cost 22 cents. He said:

    "Listen to me, young man. I remember Pearl Harbor like it was YESTERDAY!"

    I don't feel old. Older, maybe, but not old.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005



    I am 37 and all my 12 year old sons' buddies want to hang out with me, cause I'm just like them! Running and playing and climbing trees. It hurts a little more now than it did back then. The clock aint gonna stop. Its better to worry about things you can your weight or smoking or drinking too much, or spending more time with friends/family. Then when you are to old to control your farts, you can look back and smile.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sacramento, CA


    I know this may sound, I don't know, ignorant, but man, reading this post makes me glad I'm 17. I know I shouldn't be responding to this post, but I'm just here to offer support because young guys like me can learn alot from those older, wiser and more experienced than ourselves.
    "If you don't where you're going, any road will take you there."

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sebastian, FL, USA, Earth


    I remember crying at my grandma's house when I heard my uncle Dick was turning 30.

    I told my grandma I was sad because he would not be around a lot longer because he was so old now.

    Well, my uncle Dick is '80 something' and still going strong.

    Adam, I will be 61 this month?
    Bill Kiene (Boca Grande)

    567 Barber Street
    Sebastian, Florida 32958

    Fly Fishing Travel Consultant
    Certified FFF Casting Instructor

    Cell: 530/753-5267

    Contact me for any reason........

  5. #15



    When you find that the current "Youth" movement makes you sick; their music sucks, they dress funny and you can't stand to talk to them for more than a few seconds- you have arrived. This could happen when you're 20 or 50. Since you and I have conversed happily several times and I never found you silly, obnoxious or dumb, I'd have to say that you are in fact old.

    But don't let this get you down, it just means that you'll fish nicer gear because you didn't waste your money on Corn tickets and wine coolers, smoke comes from your car because of the nice cigars you enjoy rather than the fact that you just spent your entire $650 life savings on an old greasy hooptie, and nicer girls will eyeball you because you look decent rather than indecent. Oh, and if someone holds a door open for you and calls you sir, just say "Thank you young fella"

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sacramento, CA


    I know I'm like an annoying mosquito buzzing around your ear, but reading Moose's response made me think that I'm nothing like my generation. I wear my pants around my waist and I listen to the Beatles, Cream, and the Kinks. I'm more like my dad and uncles who are in their 40's and 50's, I like doing things the old fashioned way.
    "If you don't where you're going, any road will take you there."

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fair Oaks , California


    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.
    I know I'm like an annoying mosquito buzzing around your ear, but reading Moose's response made me think that I'm nothing like my generation. I wear my pants around my waist and I listen to the Beatles, Cream, and the Kinks. I'm more like my dad and uncles who are in their 40's and 50's, I like doing things the old fashioned way.
    Annoying ?!?

    I don't think so . Keep talking , we need you youngsters on here .


  8. #18


    Darn JR, you sound older than me, a lot of that stuff pre dates me man, and I'm ancient! You must be alright though listening to that, you can fish with me anytime. I'll introduce you to some serious vintage Led Zeppelin

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Hey Adam,
    I just turned 30 and don't quite fit your kids yet. lol
    We got married in college and came home to a burning couch in the driveway. By the time we left the college town, we were both 27 and I hear where you're coming from. Definitely got old with neighbors asking me to buy them beer.
    I guess for me I'll only feel old when I can't get out anymore to enjoy the outdoors, life, etc. In the end, age is just a number, its what you do with it thats important.
    As for music, Led Zepplin is king. Have a live album from their first tour through Texas. They don't make bands like they used to.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Granite Bay


    Children today have no idea what a skeleton key is (unless they have seen the movie "Skeleton Key".

    They have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan Era and probably did not know he had ever been shot.

    They were prepubescent when the Persian Gulf War was waged.

    Black Monday 1987 is as significant to them as the Great Depression.

    There has been only one Pope.

    The size of a silver dollar or half dollar mean nothing to them.

    They have never feared a nuclear war.

    They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

    Tianamen Square means nothing to them.

    Their lifetime has always included AIDS.

    Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

    Atari predates them, as do vinyl albums. The expression you sound like a broken record means nothing to them.

    They have never owned a record player.

    They have likely never played Pac Man and have never heard of Pong.

    They may have never heard of an 8 track. The Compact Disc was introduced when they were 1 year old.

    As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 33 cents.

    They have always had an answering machine.

    Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black-and-white TV.

    They have always had cable.

    There has always been VCRs, but they have no idea what BETA is.

    They cannot fathom not having a remote control.

    They were born the year that Walkman were introduced by Sony.

    Roller-skating has always meant in-line for them.

    Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.

    They have no idea when or why Jordache jeans were cool.

    Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.

    They have never seen Larry Bird play.

    They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.

    The Vietnam War is as ancient history to them as WWI, WWII and the Civil War.

    They have no idea that Americans were ever held hostage in Iran.

    They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.

    They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.

    They never heard: "Where's the beef?," or " I'd walked a mile for a Camel," or "De plane, de plane."

    They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. is.

    The Titanic was found? They thought we always knew where it was.

    Michael Jackson has always been white.

    Kansas, Chicago, Boston, America, and Alabama are places, not groups.

    McDonalds never came in Styrofoam containers.

    There has always been MTV.

    They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

    If you sometimes find yourself dwelling on such trivial things, then maybe you are old. Don't think of it that way, the fact is that we age like wine or perhaps scotch. Each year of your life should fill you with experiences that make you wiser and more capable of living. I remember back when I first got into the fire service, I was about 20 and I could out run and out perform just about anyone that came my way. Now that I am 31 years old I'm still in pretty good shape, but I have to admit that I have knee and shoulder pain with some frequency in the last year or so.......could some fresh 20 year old probie firefighter beat me out? Not a chance. Why? Because experience gives me wisdom and speed through efficiency. What would happen if Bill Kiene and I went head to head in a fishing derby? I think we all get better with age. Certainly there is a point where age catches up with everyone, but certainly not anywhere near 30 years of age.


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