After more false starts than a 50-yard dash for third graders, Terry and Wendy Gunn’s new book 50 Best Tailwaters to Fly Fish is now being shipped by the publisher, Stonefly Press.

The 272-page, 4-color softcover book compiled by the Gunns is the work of the guides and outfitters with “boots in the water” on each of the respective tailwaters, assisted by Southwest Council IFFF VP of Communications, Bennett Mintz, who “organized and edited” the work.

The concept of the book is best summed up by fly-fishing icon Lefty Kreh in his foreword: “Tailwaters are the salvation of fly fishing for trout. These are the streams or rivers exiting from dams with the flow dependent on the amount of water released. They furnish a constant supply of clear, cold water necessary for trout and their food.

“Many trout fishermen believe all major rivers are located in the West. But some of the finest are in the East, created when the Tennessee Valley Authority dammed so many southern rivers to furnish the region’s power during late-1920s and Depression era 1930s. Some of these tailwaters are among the best trout rivers anywhere in this country and within easy driving distance of thousands of anglers.”

50 Best Tailwaters to Fly Fish is priced at $34.95 and available from fly-fishing shops, book dealers, or directly from the publisher. (Go to for more detail.)