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Thread: Please help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Soldotna, Alaska

    Default Please help!!!

    Alaskan rivers and streams along with Alaskan fisheries are in serious jeopardy. Please read and respond accordingly.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Josselyn Burke
    To: Josselyn Burke
    Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:06 PM
    Subject: Mixing Zones

    Concerned citizen of the rivers and streams of the Kenai Peninsula:

    You have probably heard a recent controversy surrounding MIXING ZONES and the new set of regulations the State of Alaska is proposing. Twice the state asked the public to comment on a proposal to allow pollution in streams where salmon spawn. Twice there was a resounding NO from the public in response to the proposal. Recently the State decided, that despite what the public said, it would be o.k. to pollute the most sensitive areas of streams under certain conditions!

    Representative Paul Seaton has introduced a bill that would ban any new mixing zones from being located where fish are known to spawn. It is important for our legislators to hear that the public wants the water quality protected in these sensitive area. Please let them know this is important. There are two ways to be involved.

    1) Testify tomorrow morning at the Kenai Legislative Information Office (283-2030): Friday, January 27 at 8:30 a.m. (This office is located near the Kenai Library)

    The House Special Committee on Fisheries will hold a public hearing on HB 328 Ban Mixing Zones in Spawning Areas. 3 minute testimony limit.

    2) If you can't make it tomorrow, send our representatives an email to let them know that the state is out of line to authorize any mixing zones in areas where fish are known to be spawning or rearing.

    Here are the email contact information for the legislators that represent the Kenai Peninsula:

    State Representatives Email Address

    State Senators Email Address

  2. #2


    Boy that is terrible news. What the hell are those boys thinkin', or are they ignoring the value of the fish for bribes. Makes me want to put a fist through the wall to think you would have to change the state motto from "The Last Frontier" to "The Lost Frontier".
    I don't know if the e-mail route is the best option to get an opinion into the ear of a representative. Since e-mails can be generated in the thousands with the touch of a button, I have heard representatives don't put much weight into them. A face to face is the best, a letter works, and so do phone calls to their office. I suggest you don't use my favorite plan which I dub "The Drunken Irishman Option": kick the offending polluter square in the nuts. Hey, ya mess with the noble salmon, ya get the foot.

    Good luck to you and never give an inch, or in your case, a gallon of fresh water.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Pollution...????

    I gotta say that I'm absolutely amazed by this proposal.... What politician, in their right mind, would propose to pollute anything deliberately

    I'm curious about what type of pollution is proposed as allowable up there Is it raw sewage, oil by-products, what The proposal sounds like it'll be OK to pollute, in general.... Not acceptable even at the Federal level.

    As understand it, with notable exceptions, if a potential polluter can meet EPA standards for PPM, release of particulates into the environment are allowable. The problem arises when those standards are exceeded or ignored. Maybe Alaska's standards are higher than EPA's and this is a proposal to relax make them to make equal.... Still not a good idea.

    Hope we can get some clarification on this
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Soldotna, Alaska


    OregonSalmon and Darian,

    Thanks for the reply and encouragement. Though I've been told that the wastewater treatment plants are held to a very high standard and monitor their effluent very closely. My greatest concern is regarding the mining insdustry. Presently, some of Alaska's premeir rainbow flyfishing areas have been "sold out" to a huge industrial mining outfit who are proposing to create the largest open pit mine on the face of the earth. The second largest is in Utah and can be seen from space. Not only will they be scarring the surface of God's great creation and some of my "backyard", I suspect they (the mining industry) are behind this mixing zone hogwash. Lord only knows what kinds of waste can be generated by this industry.

    Certainly after the effects of the Exxon Valdez, the oil industry is extremely conscious of polluting effects. Nevertheless, they too would benefit from these mixing zone regulations.

    Obviously the citizens of Alaska have voiced their minds on this issue and the fate of the pristine waters of Alaska lay in the pen of Alaska Representative Seaton and his bill. Pass the word along.... If the voice of the people can stop wolf hunting in Alaska, certainly it can stop this violation of stewardship as well....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default HB 328 (Alaska)

    In following the link, I note a second bill (SB 225) with the same title or subject by State Senator Stevens.... Is the text of this bill the same as HB 328
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default HB 328....

    Alaskanfish,.... Forgot to mention that you should post your plea for help on Dan Blanton's BB. There's always a bunch of activists, many of which fish Alaskan waters, over there....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Soldotna, Alaska



    You are correct. SB 225 is a complimentary bill on the Sate Senate floor whereas HB 328 is in the State House. Thanks for the recommendation... I'll forward the message there as well.



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