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Thread: Have you seen the big !!! Fish

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA

    Default Have you seen the big !!! Fish

    ON THE INTERNET. The fish was caught yesterday off the south end of Cerralvo Island. A massive 135 pound amber jack. It might of been a world record had not the cut it into fillets.
    Just think, if that was a 100lb rooster and I had caught it, I could of been retired today. Guess I better keep fishing for the BIG rooster.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Anchorage, Alaska


    I did see it and to use the word "impressive" is an understatement. How is the fishing this week?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Savannah, Georgia


    You're going nowhere until I get my trip under my belt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    the rooster fishing is still on fire. Lot's of big roosters at the beach. But a new beach location. Actually not a new beach, it's one that we haven't fish for a couple years. The name is Playa Las Mi Nitas. All big roosters, probably some bigger than the light house roosters. Lot's of small to medium size roosters just a little north where they are getting bait. Also some jacks and lot's of sierra's.
    After we got tired of fishing roosters, we went skippie hunting. Not hard to find them. Went to Roca Montana and there they were.
    I caught one and quit. I gave the rod to Efren and he caught ???? Can't remember. My boat partner John had a blast pulling on these fish. Or I should say they were pulling on him. Some jacks up to 10lbs.
    There were some dorado in the LV area but not many. My other boat got one around 25lbs, had a good dinner.
    One boat is taking the trip to the buoys, there have been a few dorado caught, up to 30lbs.
    Read a fishing report in the "local rag". A couple weeks ago they had some cooler water in the East Cape area which has slowed the fishing down. Gotta go out far for dorado, some yellow tails were being caught which is unusual for this time of year. But they've had roosters. But bait is scarce. It said they were netting ballyhoo and lisa's (mullet)
    We are not having that problem, lot's of bait, at the island. We've seen some East Cape boats up here buying bait and fishing there way back to the East Cape
    Today we had flat water in the morning but it changed around 10:30am. The east winds kicked up and blew around 20mph. Made it choppy and bouncy.

    Richard, don't worry I don't think the 100lber will come in the next couple days. Efren's backhand cast is impressive. It goes further than most people's forward cast. And now he's throwing "southpaw". I would say 60', not bad

    See you in a couple days. gotta get some sleep tonight, I hope. This morning I was up until 12:30am working on trying to put short video together for the internet.


  5. #5


    Holy moley what a fish. Thanks for report J!
    Last edited by Flyboy_AK; 05-22-2013 at 07:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Thumbs up Big Fish!!!!

    WOW!!! What a fish. Amazing catch and landed in short order. The fisher must've put some heavy pressure on it.
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