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Thread: Rooster's are still eating

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA

    Default Rooster's are still eating

    It's been a couple days since I've made a report. Yesterday I stayed on the beach at Muertos and walked the beach looking for roosters. I wasn't disappointed. A couple schools of small rooster are swimming the bay.
    But today I went in Team Alaska's boat and Al T. from Anchorage caught his first rooster at the island. His first trip to Baja and to top that, I think he said that he had a knee replacement a few weeks ago. Heck he was pleased. Then we got more bait and headed to the lighthouse for some real action. WOW the only boat there for an hour or more.
    Actually other than my 7 boats, only 3 other conventional boats were out there. There were alot of boats off the island trolling back and forth. All the crusiers were from the Los Brilles area. But it's starting to get more and more boats each day.
    Anyway, here's a couple fish that Al T. caught today. Phil B is his partner, no fish but had a lot of refusals.

    25lb Rooster... Nice

    40lb... Big girthy fish Really nice.... Hell, who said rooster fishing was tough

    Schools of small jacks are showing. Some larger fish have also been seen

    It's been a great 4 weeks so far, can't wait to see what the next 6 weeks brings

    The Fly.....tan/white "Wiggy airhead"


  2. #2


    Way to go Big Al!!! Looks good with a rooster in your hand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Big Island Hawaii


    Hey Jay, tell Phil to step it up! Thanks for the updates, glad you guys have some bait this year, Mems.
    Don Memmer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    I'm also glad we have the bait this year, I can't imagine two years in a row without bait.

    Flyboy, I'm impressed with Al's casting both left and right. I only wish I could learn to cast right handed
    see you in a couple weeks


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Savannah, Georgia



    Have you seen any Dorado starting to show up? Any grass in the area? Are Jonathan's ribs as good as they've always been?

    Keep those reports coming and give my best to Steve and Joan.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    Dorado haven't shown up in large numbers, they did see one out by the buoys. The thing about the buoys, no skippies are hanging from the hooks. They now have a 3 month shark season and it closed the beginning of May. So nothing there to attract the dorado's. When I first got here, Efren and I had a school of dorado eating at the boat in the Ranchito area. Jacks are showing up in larger numbers.
    One thing that one of my boats saw today was a conventional guy trolling, hooked a huge rooster, fought it to the boat and then the captain gaffed it. Took a few photo's and released it, DEAD OF COURSE. I'm trying to figure out what operation this captain was from. I plan on getting to the bottom of this.
    What a f****** waste of a good resource. Some of these captains just don't give a crap.

    I'll post a few more photo's tomorrow of roosters caught today and story's


    Richard the ribs are great ...mmmm, mmmmm
    Last edited by Jay Murakoshi; 05-14-2013 at 08:10 PM. Reason: addition

  7. #7


    That gaffing a Rooster is sick.. Hope you find him and turn his arse in..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    Here are a few more rooster photo's...One from Monday and one from yesterday
    The angler is Paul from WA. Last night when were were in the restaurant having dinner, he came in and started talking about his great roosters that he caught and was bummed that his fish weren't on this site for the WHOLE world to see. I told Paul let's get your card and I will make you famous tomorrow...
    Now here's the funny story about these fish.. First Paul is telling us about his partner who can cast his line 65'+ and ME, crap I can't even get 20' of the head out of the rod tip, and I'm still catching roosters. "What's up with this"
    And yesterday's rooster catch was kinda funny...."I thought I had a stupid needle fish on so I started hand lining the fish in with rod tip high, then all of a sudden, the frek'n line takes off, damn another rooster fish" I really feel sorry for my partner, now.
    So now just pictures this story being told to us after Paul had a few margarita's, so funny

    Yesterday's rooster

    And a Jack, caught at Ranchito

    Monday's rooster 30lbs

    Way to go, Paul....



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