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Thread: Rules...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Behind the Potato Curtain


    This is in fact a forum owned by certain individuals in order to promote the sport of fly fishing and help people out. Again if you want general tomfoolery check out the drake, if you want to discuss something productive then thats fine. It's not up for discussion.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Fort Bragg

    Default Thanks

    I appreciate that there is a moderator here and I am sorry they need to do so, but the way society is today it seems inevitable that some will "cross the line".

    I am also sorry that some have felt the need to shy away from the forums as all that does is weaken the strain of the thoughtfulness and ideas that come from such a community, but, again, I understand their need to do so. I can only hope they see that steps are being taken to keep it less harmful/mean and they come back for a fresh look and join back in with their insights, humor and questions.

    Well said Aaron: This is NOT a public forum! I know it is said throughout the year and seasons but never enough: Thank you and Bill and everyone else that keeps this going. This is still the best FF site I know and the only one in which I participate. I have come to trust your judgement here for what is best for the board and in doing so I accept that if I want to test/use my constitutional rights of free speech I stand the chance of being banned, which is your right. After all it has been a long time now since the Supreme Court declared that certain rights are not necessarily the same as endangering or abuse (Yelling "Fire" in a movie theater...Racial slurs...Threats).

    Thanks again to you all, moderators, "owners" and participants for making my use of this place safe, fun and informative.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default ?

    is this a tyranny or a public fly fishing forum? one can't have an opinion? i am not trying to promote myself. i have a strong opinion on some questionable fishing techiques and some agree and some don't.that's a true forum! my approach and use of words maybe need some refining, but having an opinion isn't a crime. stacking the deck in your favor is wrong, banning people with a opinion is even worse. we aren't pre-programmed clones. education is universal, there isn't one absolute way to educate or preach. fishing along with everything else is subjective. thank you Mr. Kiene for having a great flyshop and fly shop forum. i hope it stays a true forum.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    El Dorado Hills


    It is called common courtesy chainsaw which many people seem to forget. And that is one of the problems with some people on this board. People putting down other people based on the way they fish is wrong, if a person wants to be a purest snob then they should keep to themselves and not tell others how to fish, especially when how they are fishing is legal. Making assumptions is another big problem, too many people assume that a persons catch is going to die or has died when they have no idea what the condition of the fish is since they were not there. What is worse is when those same people have drawers full of "hero" shots but yet they feel it is there duty to put another person down for doing what they have done. I use to post on Kiene's board a lot, but I was smart enough to stay away from the steelhead section since that is where 95% of the pissing and moaning comes from. Some people need to get over themselves and just need to move on. As for your 1st amendment rights, if you want a board that is not moderated then open your own board, this is Bill's board and he can have what ever rules he wants, like it or not.

    It seems it is at least once or twice a year there is a problem with people on the steelhead section, strange how it rarely if ever happens on any of the other sections.
    So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
    `·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. ><((((º>

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw510 View Post
    is this a tyranny or a public fly fishing forum? one can't have an opinion? i am not trying to promote myself. i have a strong opinion on some questionable fishing techiques and some agree and some don't.that's a true forum! my approach and use of words maybe need some refining, but having an opinion isn't a crime. stacking the deck in your favor is wrong, banning people with a opinion is even worse. we aren't pre-programmed clones. education is universal, there isn't one absolute way to educate or preach. fishing along with everything else is subjective. thank you Mr. Kiene for having a great flyshop and fly shop forum. i hope it stays a true forum.
    This kind of thing is exactly why Bill has put some new rules in place. this is exactly the reason a bunch of wonderful members are gone. those were guys who made this forum fun, educational and family friendly. Your suggestion chainsaw, is a contridiction to why Bill made this place. Even in the good days when those guys were here, we would hash out topics often, the way civilized people do. your WWF mentality just wont work here. looking at your date of membership and your percentage of derogatory posts begs to wonder if you just signed on to stir the pot. or maybe a banned member with a new account? whatever the case, why dont you just play nice so you can be part of a great thing?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Rocklin, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw510 View Post
    is this a tyranny or a public fly fishing forum? one can't have an opinion? i am not trying to promote myself. i have a strong opinion on some questionable fishing techiques and some agree and some don't.that's a true forum! my approach and use of words maybe need some refining, but having an opinion isn't a crime.
    This reminded me of an essay I read last year regarding opinions. It was called " Mouthing Off in America." by Stephen Randall

    I'll paraphrase and cut a bit for brevity's sake...

    ....We live in an era in which it is important to have opinions. Not necessarily smart or original ones; almost any opinion will do as long as it's forcefully expressed. When it comes to opinions, we're all living in an intellectual Costco, where it's volume, volume, volume.

    It wasn't that long ago that opinions were something carefully considered and weighed, so that they'd stand the test of time and reflect well on the author. Thinkers were like gourmet chefs laboring over an elaborate meal they wanted to be perfect. But today, opinions are Big Macs — thrown together hastily, served by the billions and not very good for you.

    We post them on Facebook; we tweet them; we express them in comments on Huffington Post....

    What's the point in having an opinion if it's not an angry opinion? If something upsets us — like a member of Congress and a bunch of innocent bystanders being shot in Tucson — we don't mourn, we fulminate. We assign blame. Or we deflect blame — angrily.

    Opinion inflation has invaded every aspect of our lives. It causes us to post our opinions about our dry cleaner on Yelp. Did you used to have an opinion about your dry cleaner, or was he just sort of there, like a shrub or a parking meter?

    The Internet is a Petri dish of opinion inflation, breeding commentary like bacteria. Because few people do anything interesting or have anything factual to report, they toss off a short opinion. That, in turn, leads to opinion hyperinflation; just look at the comments sections on any blog. Opinions quickly devolve from Big Macs into rat poison. Civility makes only a rare appearance, and facts are no longer facts. Evolution, climate change, gravity — it's all one point of view against another. Everyone gets a vote, even the people who aren't particularly sane.

    There was a time when thoughtful people tried to be balanced. The old-style political columnists were famous for saying nothing. The presented both sides of any given issue in an "on the one hand/on the other" fashion, pretty much allowing readers to form their own opinions, which — lacking proper guidance — readers rarely did. Walter Cronkite voiced so few opinions that when he uttered one — about the Vietnam War — it changed the course of history.

    It's all turning us into surly teenagers who disagree with everything.

    There's a certain irony, I realize, to expressing an opinion about opinions.....

    The original essay here for those interested:

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default still wondering why?

    ok ok, all of you are right. i posted about one questionable act. the brown in one foot of water. i didn't post anything about the burnt out steelie on the rocks.. give me some credit.. for any sporting fisherman to watch that video of the browns capture and say it's legit...... come'on. get in line and play the lottery with the rest of us. those fish are once in a lifetime. and the guide made it look so easy. that guide sold the little t out. for what? call me what you want. but you will not find me doing it the easy way and posting for glory.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Post Essay....

    Bonneville,.... I was just about to post about the irony of the author writing an opinion about opinions and then noticed the last sentence in the essay.... Good one BTW.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw510 View Post
    i posted about one questionable act.
    It sounds to me like youre also questioning the act of this topic?

    Quote Originally Posted by aaron View Post
    It's pretty simple, if you have something to say do it respectfully.
    Not sure if you read The original post in context...
    Last edited by jbird; 01-09-2012 at 05:01 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    So I am new here and a bit confused. While I haven't been warned or anything like that I am hoping to more clearly define what is acceptable and not.

    I get that personal attacks have no part in a fly board. Like I said in an other thread we are all fisherfolks, and I am always happy to meet people who like to fish!

    But to read this thread it seems as if all negative comments aren't welcome.

    What if we see poor fishing ethics? I'm not talking about indicator vs nymphing or anything like that, but more along the lines of actions that are harmful to an already depleted run of fish. Should we ignore putting a fish on dry rocks or similarly poor handling of fish simply to not be negative? If that is the style of this board I am out.

    I get that there is a proper way to educate people. When I was learning I payed some dues for poor handling, etc. But if we aren't able to call out those mistakes here, in a respectful manner, then aren't you not only encouraging those poor ethics but promoting them?

    I like this place, but if people can't be honest about their opinion then I don't see much value. Its just a bunch of glad handing and self promotion(most of the "reports" are guides just drumming up business).

    Okay, enough of the negativity, I'm going to go and post a report about my Saturday skunkage which was also one of the most enjoyable days on the water I've had in years! I hope all you that are calling people out are doing the same!



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