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Thread: Need your help please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Need your help please!

    Well my laziness has caused me grief and loss once again. I woke up this morning to head to work and a Police officer was standing near my truck in the parking lot at my apartment. Once I got up to my truck he informed that the vehicle next to mine was broken into and asked that I take a look at my truck. I tried to open my doors and found that they were still locked, Whewww. But after examining the bed of my truck and trying to remember what gear I unloaded and what gear I left in there I realized I had left my backpack that contained my reels and fly boxes, which is now gone.

    Guessing that the POS thugs that grabbed the bag have no idea the value of this stuff they might just try and unload it on craigslist or something, maybe.

    Here is a list of what is gone:

    Galvan Spoke 5 (with a red spoke) outfitted with a Rio Grand WF4F Camo Green

    Galvan OB 4 outfitted with a Courtland 444 Camo WF6I

    Cabelas SLA 6wt reel with a Rio Grand WF6F Camo Green

    Cabelas RLS 6wt reel with a Rio Camo lux WF6I

    The other stuff I dont expect to ever retreive is a couple fly boxes, spools of tippet and a Dr. Slick Lanyard

    If you guys see something similiar on Craigslist or ebay please send me a PM if you can and I will personnally investigate the matter.

    Thanks guys. And let my hard luck be a lesson learned, EMPTY YOUR TRUCKS!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Behind the Potato Curtain


    Major bummer. I f you have renter's insurance it might be worth a shot to see if they'll cover anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Auburn, CA


    That sucks, bad. Hope you get some leads.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sonoma/Lake Counties


    pretty sure insurance will in fact cover those losses - I once had over $3000 worth of fly fishing gear stolen out of the back of my truck and my insurance covered the losses minus the deductible


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