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Thread: Manzanita still frozen over?

  1. #1
    Mike O Guest

    Default Manzanita still frozen over?

    According to the Fly Shop website, no go on Manzanita.

    Anyone ever fished ice out up there?

    I am heading up there the second weekend of June...wonder if ice out will happen then or later?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    NO it is NOT Frozen.

    Manzanita 5/29/11
    It Iced out several weeks ago.
    Last edited by 1flyfisher; 06-03-2011 at 12:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Mike O Guest


    Thank you for the better info. how did it fish?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I was there last weekend. It was slow, but you could catch a few fish here and there.

    Quote Originally Posted by maodiver View Post
    Thank you for the better info. how did it fish?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Barbless Hooks.

    I am not the sort of individual that gets preachy about how others fish and I am not a barbless hook nazi but If anyone reading this goes to manzanita please make sure you fish completely barbless hooks for several reasons. Mainly for the numerous tiny wild fish. Either tie your flies on manufacturer barbless hooks or completely FILE off the barb. Just pressing down the barb is insufficient and will get you a ticket. There can be NO BARB on the hook.

    Main reason to use barbless or completely FILED OFF barbs is there is natural wild reproduction of browns and rainbows in this lake any many many small tiny fish. You will catch numerous tiny rainbows and browns 6" or even less that will grab a midge or callibaetis or even bigger wooly buggers on big hooks. Trying to get a barbed hook out of these tiny fish really mangles and rips their jaws(even worse if they swallow it deep) and destroys their jaws when you put the death grip on them and twist and try to pull that barbed hook out. Even A #16 is a big hook for these tiny fish.

    Second reason is the ranger is checking barbs.....My buddy fishes the lake constantly and he has been repeatedly checked by the ranger. The ranger takes a cotton ball out of his pocket and runs it over the barb of the hook. If any cotton snags on the pushed down barb you get a ticket,,,Not that I give a damn if you get a ticket if you are too lazy to file off a barb (I only care about the fish). So use manufactured barbless hooks or completely file off the barb. You should have hook file and filing off a barb is easily accomplished.

    Good Luck. has been pretty slow, at least when I was there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rocklin, CA


    Quick question: is this the Manzanita that is in Lassen NP? I'm guessing so, given the info on barbless fishing.

    I'll be up there for 5 days in late July/early August, and was planning on bringing my canoe. What's the word on fishing the lake?



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Yes Lassen NP
    Yes bring your canoe. A tube, pontoon, canoe, kayak is needed. Not a lake you can walk the shoreline.
    Midges, Callibaetis, Ants, damsels, motor boat caddis, Woolly buggers,......

    Quote Originally Posted by neil View Post
    Quick question: is this the Manzanita that is in Lassen NP?

    I'll be up there for 5 days in late July/early August, and was planning on bringing my canoe. What's the word on fishing the lake?



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Bozeman, MT


    Quote Originally Posted by 1flyfisher View Post
    Second reason is the ranger is checking barbs.....My buddy fishes the lake constantly and he has been repeatedly checked by the ranger. The ranger takes a cotton ball out of his pocket and runs it over the barb of the hook. If any cotton snags on the pushed down barb you get a ticket,,,.
    Everybody has a "buddy" who got the cottonball or linen hankie test yet, I have yet to meet anyone who has been checked this way (all the buddies of everybody are persons of great character and would never lie...after all they are fishermen and Ed Zern said, "All fishermen are born honest but they grow out of it.")...all the real fish cops I have contacted laugh at this urban myth...all the WARDENS (yeah I know they're rangers in the NP) who have checked me and my flies have only eyeballed the hooks to see if the barbs are down. I will stop laughing at this myth if and when some Warden (or ranger) uses anything other than his/her eyes to check my hooks.

    I agree with barbless fishing and barbless means barbless regardless of the manner in which the hook is examined.

    I'll be at Manzanita this weekend...if any Rangers are out there (Sgt Diaz excepted) come check my flies!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    LOL Let me understand this....So since you have only been checked visually for barbs it is inconceivable that a particular individual ranger or warden might check barbs in some other manner perhaps with their thumb nail or finger or a cotton ball?

    Or is this all some vast ongoing conspiracy perpetuated by elderly fly fisherman such as my friend jim trying to perpetuate a hoax and "urban myth" in an attempt to dupe flyfisherman such as yourself and others all around the world into believing that a warden or ranger could use a cotton ball to check for barbs?
    Maybe you can crack this whole conspiracy theory?
    Sounds like you're on to something....with the "Urban Myth" angle.

    I don't know what kind of friends you have, maybe your friends are all liars and lie to you regularly but My friend Jim Anderson doesn't lie and has no reason to lie or fabricate the fact that the ranger happened to use a cotton ball to check his barb. Maybe it's just me but I don't see why anyone would. For what purpose.... to what end?

    My friend fishes the lake regularly and on our recent trip he told me he was checked this way several times at manzanita lake last summer by the ranger.

    He said the ranger didn't check for a fishing license but checked his barbs with a cotton ball.

    I have never heard of this prior to my friend telling me this so I am unaware of this as you call it a common "Urban Myth".

    You said you have never met anyone who has been "checked this way" ,,, Well now you can meet someone who has,,,Here's a pic of him and his boat. He's up there regularly and if you fish the lake more than occasionally you will surely run into him,,,,you can discuss this with him if you have some sort of problem with what he claims and that the ranger happened to use a cotton ball to check his barbs.

    Last edited by 1flyfisher; 06-09-2011 at 04:22 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Auburn, CA


    Urban myth or not, the whole idea sounds pretty silly to me. I mean really, a cotton ball?


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