With the wind very moderate last night, I found the Forebay stripers on the grab. I fished sub-surface from 5:00 until the sun went down, with a number of fish, several around 5 lbs. Fortunately, the wind stayed around 6-8 mph, which is perfect for top water. I moved into the flats and the fish were really "looking up". For the last 1 1/2 hour the stripes were blasting my small yellow and white gurgler. 5 of these fish were larger schoolies (5-6 lbs.), and one about 7 lbs.! One of the best top water sessions I have had in a couple of years. These fish were fat and strong.....and one is on the menu tonight!

Nothing like catching fish on top water!!!!......last week it was trout on #18's.....last night is was stripers on a 1/0 gurgler!
