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Thread: Tough times for stripers -

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County

    Default Common Sense; what a concept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Buzolich View Post
    As for the Tisdale pumps? Whew, that's an awful amount of water the rice growers and and farmers up here will scream about. And, realize too that the spawn is just about ready to start and will go through all of April and May. That's a lot more time than just a couple of weeks.
    What I had in mind was more in line with striking a "balance" when suggesting a little common sense in shutting down the pumps during the actual spawn.

    As most know, a great deal of the actual spawning ocurrs at a particular time of day/night, moon phase, and air temps. But, common sense would take it one step further by using an observer with the unilateral authority to cease pumping when said observer actuall witnesses peak spawning activity ocurring, especially smack dab inbetween the giant water intake stations! What are we talking here, a couple of hours out of a few days for two months just to let the current sweep eggs downriver past the pumps?!

    Every year's weather is different and therefore water needs are different. A balanced practical approach would be to correlate the weather forecasts, agricultural needs, and actual spawn activity, then implement a "balanced" schedule. This seems like common sense to me instead of a bunch of zombie workers doing the same thing each and every year per the 'calendar' or the old process of "well, this is how ahhhh..... we've always done it every year" mentality. (GM, Chrysler, you listening?)

    IMO, lack of implementation of a balanced common sense approach (to anything) is pure lazyness. It's americana to do things half ass to save (make) a buck instead of going the extra mile to do things right.

    BTW, nobody needs to bother posting a reply telling me to get real. I fully understand how the real world/business works (or doesn't). I'm just tossing out some thoughts for the sake of discussion.
    Last edited by OceanSunfish; 04-03-2009 at 08:47 AM.


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