Now most are looking for them in place around the Delta where the water is still and maybe shallow hoping to find a place where the water is a few degrees warmer like dead end sloughs and Disco Bay.

In Feb/March they start looking for them at the mouth of the American River and up on the lower Feather River near Star Bend.

April starts the serious spawning run from the Delta where most of the free roaming population heads up around Colusa on the Sacramento River. The first fish are real fresh small fat males. Then comes the big females. May is a main month for this surface spawning mostly at night now. They are still up there in June but many are coming downstream a nd very hungry after having sex. Lots will be in the Bay and then along the beaches outside the Golden Gate Bridge feeding like crazy.

April/may is the top time in the lower American River for many stripers in big schools from the mouth at Discovery park all the way up to Paradise Beach. In June we get so many american Shad in the rivers that the Stripers seem to be too busy for flies. July through September is the rest of the season in the lower American with fish all the way to the Nimbus Dam.

They will be around the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge coming in from the ocean to winter in the Delta in Sept/Oct. This is a big time for stripers in that area around the Sisters and Red Rock.

October starts the wonderful Delta season with November being a top month there. By the first of the year the water gets real cold and makes catching stripers on a fly a little harder for most.