Hello y'all.
I am a new addition to the message board. I have been reading the board for a little while and met Hairstacker at the shop and he convinced me to join in.

A little about myself. I was born and raised in the Delta and enjoy fishing for bass/panfish/stripers in the North Delta out of my kayak (I always wish I had more time to fish but my children's sports activities take a great deal of my time). I am a fairly recent convert to fly fishing (especially for bass and stripers) and got the itch when I met Adam G. (I know his Dad and sister well). He actually helped me purchase my first fly rod for bass. I have fished for 40 years with conventional tackle but I am really enjoying learning about fly fishing. I hope to learn a lot from others here. Also, good luck to all you brave souls venturing out to the Delta this weekend...watch the wind.
Take care, Rodney D.