First off, Bill, it was awesome to finally meet you and chat with you at the shop yesterday.

I took a trip down to Watt bridge and fished all around the island last night. When I got there, Jeff was there looking like he was going to do a lesson, and there were a couple fly guys out in the water.

I passed one on the way out to the island and he had caught a couple "trout" above the riffle. There was another down between the riffles so I watched him for a while from the island while I rigged my rod. He got nothing from what I saw.

I went to the downstream part of the island and pounded the water all around for a couple hours. Nothing...did not even see any boils, topwater action.....not a ripple.

It was beautiful out there though, with my back to the bridge...I'll take that 3 hours of catching nothing over any amount of work....anytime.

I refuse to give up....My goals for this year: 1 Striper of decent size, 1 Steelhead, lots of casting practice; at least 2x a week on the water.