You know, you always here about taking kids fishing. Take them to a pond and get them started catching bluegills or something and watch their faces light up with never ending smiles and memories that'll last a lifetime.

Well let me tell you, this works for our better halfs too.

We'd been doing great on shad this past week and when my wife reminded about how I took her shad fishing when we first started dating, I immediately invited her out tonight.

We got to Shanghai about 5:30PM and anchored next to a couple of friends who just started as well.

My wife, without hesitation got her fly in the water right away and almost immediately was hooked up. Yahoo! "I forgot how hard these guys pull for their size" she said.

I land and release her fish and off she goes again. Cast, slow strip, and another hookup, and more smiles. And so the whole evening went. She had taken six or seven shad before I had a chance to land even one.

And now my friends in the neighboring boat are really giving me the razz and so the rest of the even went with my wife beaming ear to ear.

I wouldn't trade memories like these for anything