Went out yesterday to chase some stripers around after reports of a 20lber caught recently. I don't have very much experience fly fishing lakes so a new challenge was met with excitment.
We cast big clousers for a while on sink-tips without any love. Made our way to the West, near the dam and set up on the rock croppings to end the day.
I switched from a baitfish to the only rogue nyphm that somehow made its way into the streamer box. Ugly, beadhead, caddis emerger-something, size 8.
Threw a cast back up next to the shore, let the current and weight of the head sink and give movement. Bam!
Wha?...hey, there's a pull at the end of my line...what does that mean again?
Surprised as the fish, I stood up, set the hook and was playing the first lake trout I have ever tangled with.
Few minutes later, we had him in the boat, whew!!
Luckily my skipper had a phone/ camera and my wife finally believes I do actually go fishing.
Can't tell by my smile I was a little shocked, huh?