I have a tough time understanding the personalities of some fisher people who spend a lot of time and money going to destinations that produce really lousy results. Two of my friends recently returned from a bone fish trip who are both seasoned fishermen. The fly guy caught one fish and the spinning rod guy caught two. I can't understand why any one would want to put out their precious rubies (probably thousands of dollars) for such a small catch. And in the two previous weeks that place was full and only five fish were caught.

A long time ago I was a tarpon guy who spent thousands of dollars for a two-week trip but I literally caught hundreds of tarpon. I even caught a "Grand Slam" and have an IGFA certificate. I was doing my annual Mexico trip at the same time and as things started to change (get worse) on the tarpon front, I realized I could stay twice as long in Mexico for about half the price of a tarpon trip. For people that really want to catch fish, for the life of me I can't see why you wouldn't want to try Loreto, which has been very consistent for over two decades.

I realize that sometimes people have other motivations for trips, and may like the thrill of the chase or the scenery or just getting away, but all those things are available in Loreto as well. The people that run the Hotel Oasis where I stay are wonderful and the staff will bend over backwards to make you happy, and the food is great. The guides are knowledgeable and the fishing, I'll say again, is the most consistent I have encountered over my lifetime.

If any one would like more information about my trip, you can email me at
carlblackiedge@aol.com. I can tell you how to put together a trip and refer you to the right people. If you email me you're phone number I'd be happy to talk to you on the phone also. I don't get any money for this, I just like to share the 411.