Good evening!
My 30th birthday approaches in Feb. Lately I have been thinking about what to do. Life is so busy right now. For myself and everyone in the world. This 30th birthday is a milestone for me to say the least. My twenties were an intense competitive lifestyle in cycling, as well as the adaptation to solo riding cross bike for my own enjoyment and adrenaline. I broke just about everything except my wrist wrist and left leg over the course of my 29 years. Two hematomas on my brain from my first ever vehicle accident, on a Ninja 500r motorbike.. a life long brutalized shoulder finally had its moment in 2019 just as Covid arrived in our lives full spectrum, when I took my cross bike over what I thought was a berm and ended up being the 10' drop in to a dirt half pipe. A year with a separated collarbone, in November 2020 a pyramid shaped fragment was in some way unknown separated and logged into my rotary cuff where rush surgery was performed and a full shoulder reconstruction occurred. Jan. 26 I was able to leave and for what felt like months, I followed the process. In feb. I tried my first spey cast post surgery. And a soft roll cast on my new spey rod landed me my Pb steelhead. A weak and nursed arm I savored every second of our minute.

I'm pretty tired, but I enjoy wade fishing. I sure would enjoy finding someone to treat a tired vet to just a good calm day of fishing. Guide or polite host, any recommendations/input would be great. I prefer spey style fishing as a favorite and easiest for my arm, not an indicator guy.

If there's not a cost I'll provide a good lunch and some brews available for the day. I've never caught a brown on the fly, I'm always on the hunt for steelhead, that's really it. Pyramid trout I was able to witness and I'd love to get one on a fly rod, I don't have a car good for the drive but I can find a way if the opportunity is there.

I don't want to sit in a drift boat really as nice as it is to sit down these days. I just enjoy the ability to move and sit down when I need to.