Spent three hours at the Highway 20 bridge last night throwing hoppers and Stimulators. Caught 2 , missed 2 , had 2 more that refused at the last minute .

The most interesting part, though, happened while I was sitting on the south shore above the bridge / right below the first island. There's a very big and complicated eddy there, and I was watching the occasional rise in the eddy when the biggest damn rainbow I've ever seen in moving water made a methodical porpoise-like rise that brought more than half of it out of the water--sequentially.

I can only guess that it was in the ballpark of 10 pounds or so--give or take a big margin for error.

Yes, I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to get a decent drift in those braided currents. No, I didn't see the fish again.

A month or two back, there was a long exchange on the board about whether the local fish in the Yuba still bother going out to sea or not. If this one didn't, then it was the king of the river.

Yes, I know there are some salmon in the Yuba, but I'm pretty sure this was a rainbow.)

By the way, air temp in the mid-90's, water temp around 54, and the last one I caught was a little longer than the opening of my net, so 16 or 17".
