Lake Davis water temp 69 degrees in the shallows end of the lake, i fished for 1 day from Fairview to Freeman bay for no grabs and didn't see any surface activity. What i did see was lots of bait balls of minnows with some small black bass attacking them on all parts of the lake, is our favorite trout lake turning into a pro-bass lake.
Frenchman Lake water temp 69 degrees, i fished for 2 days here between thunder storm's and found that the trout were spread out from the south end to the north end of the lake and also spread out through the water depth. Interesting fact that i found out is that the water temp was 69 degrees down to 30 ft. but the trout would feeding on callibaetis and the bait balls of minnows along the edge of the shore in the early am and late pm. During the day when the wind would come up the waves would push the bait balls out into the main body of the lake and a floating line with a 3 inch streamer in burnt orange would trigger a grab.
The water temp is still on the warm side so be kind to the trout and limit your catching, land your fish quickly, and keep them in the water.
These are the minnows that i found in Lake Davis and Frenchman Lake

Always nice to see a Lake Davis snail

A fat 20 inch rainbow from Frenchman Lake

Lake Davis sunset