So I am now a humble owner of one of the new 7/8 Delta lines. At 52' it sure seems Looong to me, although as I understand it this might be considered to be right near the dividing line between short to mid belly. At any rate, what I'm more curious about is how many of you folks out there actually fish a mid belly line (or longer) for winter steel. From those of you who do, I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts are on fishing these kind of lines: water types, conditions, gear, additional strategies, etc. I've already found that I LOVE how this line fishes; great control at a distance, and gorgeous layout and landing of line (once or twice so far that is). On the downside, I am having some added learning curve on my casting, and certainly need a bit more space and I'm keeping the fly size and tip weight pretty light to minimize issues there. My biggest issue so far is that other than a snake roll, I usually have to do more than one cast in order to really get the delivery that I want (PURELY casting technique, or lack of on my part).
Would love to hear others experiences using longer bellied spey lines for winter steelhead...