I think Aaron has a very good point, which is that the interests of the whitewater paddlers and those of anglers have a huge amount of overlap. There are indeed some differences, just as there are some major differences between various angling interests. If we all splinter and call each other names NONE of our shared interests will get the lobbying power that they well could. I actually know several of the key folks (ww paddlers included) who do a lot of work on the relicencing process, and the fact is that most of them are quite interested and concerned with the health of the river ecosystem. Some of them fish too. There could be a LOT more co-ordination and with some small compromises amongst ourselves we may well be able to tackle some more major concerns. One point that I think bears mention regarding pulse flows, is that there is quite a bit of interest and discussion about aranging recreational whitewater releases that are much more in line with what natural flows would be.

I do paddle, and I fish, and I think that there are some purely self serving interests in both of those particular groupes; but there are plenty of people in both who really do care about the bigger picture than just their own personal interests. I'd like to think of myself in that camp; I'm more concerned with the overall health of any given river system than my own oportunities to fish it or paddle it. My suggestion is that if you have a well thought out and fact based idea of how to make any improvements to the situation, and think that the whitewater lobby is on the wrong track you should contact Dave Steindorf through American Whitewater. Dave is a very good guy, and while his position is certainly to best represent the whitewater interests, he is by no means blind to other issues and concerns.
Cheers (now I'm off in search of more silvers and steelhead in Alaska!)