Well, things finally came together for my brother, dad, and I to float the river last Sunday morning. Got off to a slightly late start but we boated 3 fish. Well, Kevin boated 3 but somehow we all got a picture holding a fish. First fish came about 5 minutes after launching. He said it wasn't that big... well, since we don't measure or have a boga we estimated this fish around 10-12lbs. The picture doesn't do it any justice, it was shaped like a football.

Dad got a large swirl shortly after but things were pretty slow for about an hour and Kevin hooked up again. This fish had a buddy about the same size following it around the whole time. A nice schoolie in the 6lbs range.

Last fish was barely legal and Kevin finally got a picture with one of his fish.

All fish got their pictures taken in about 15 seconds of air time and back they went. We should be out there more but my new hobby keeps me busy too and I haven't taken the time to tie flies or anything.

Hopefully we'll get out again soon. Saw plenty of toads in the 20-30lbs class as well, we just always seem to float right over them and can't get a presentation.