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Thread: A Day in the Life

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default A Day in the Life

    Here's a typical call that we get multiple times a day during shad season.
    Kiene's Fly Shop
    "Any shad in the river?"
    Sure, they are spread all the way to the dam.
    "Where should I go"
    We've had good reports from Sailor Bar down to Rosmore.
    "Do you have any of those Bloody Maria's (or Johnny Winter, T.T. Special, Blue Agave)?"
    Sure, but you do realize that it's the line that is the most important part in shad fishing.
    If you have a two hand rod in the 6 or 7 wt. with a Skagit line system, you can cover all of the river levels.
    "I don't use two hand rods."
    O.K. A single hand rod with a shooting head system has worked for over 40 years and it is still a good choice today.
    "I really did good last year with a Teeny 350. Can't I just use that?"
    Well, the river is running 1,890 cfs. You are going to get hung on the bottom.
    "Well I read where Jeff C. and Bruce caught (fill in the number here) last night using T (whatever)."
    Those guys were in a boat and that info doesn't really apply to how you are going to fish.
    "What line should I buy?"
    The Rio Versi System is a good choice to cover many river conditions.
    "Wow, I don't have $150 to spend on a line."
    You do realize that these lines are also good choices for steelhead season as well.
    "Can't I just buy one line?"
    You could buy a W.F. line and upline it by a couple of sizes, cut the front taper off and create a line like the Rio Outbound Short.
    "I think I'm just going to use my Teeny 350 and see how it works!"
    Man, you're killing me.
    Last edited by Terry Thomas; 05-31-2012 at 07:24 AM.


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