I just recieved an e-mail from Solano Fly Casters showing a protest form you sent that urges fishermen everywhere to "Stop Striped Bass Eradication". I'd attach the form but I don't know how to do a lot of this high tech copy and paste computor stuff without getting frustrated so maybe you could put it up on our board for everyone to read.

Blaming striped bass for the reduced number of salmon is just another ploy to direct attention away from the water mungers that are sucking Northern California dry. The salmon, the delta, and everything around it are suffering as our rivers are being diverted away from their natural course. The Sacramento and the San Joaquin Rivers are needed to flush away the polutants and insecticides that are clogging our bay and delta system. At the same time, the reduced water flows are taking it's toll on the salmon and steelhead. Prior to that canal being built all the way to Los Angeles, we had record runs of both salmon and striped bass living together in all of our northern rivers.

Quit blaming striped bass, they're suffering too.