Spent Saturday with kokanee jr "Craig" up in the sierras where I like to be. It was Craig's first time float tubing so I went where there was a recent plant Woods Lake. Plus it is just a nice lake to spend the day on. Fishing was extremely slow but the weather and view made up for it. Craig was able to get his first float tube trout and I think he liked it. We spent the day throwing intermediate lines and stripping in flies. I used my black wiggle tail and I believe Craig was using a bugger. I was lucky enough to get a couple more fish than Craig and caughtt something I did not know existed in Woods. I caugh the typical planter rainbow, a couple small brookies, and last but not least a cutthroat. I have never heard of a cutthroat in Woods, so they must be planting them this year or I just have never caught one before there. About 1:30 we decided to get off the water and have some lunch before we headed to Silverfork to meet up with Neil. Got to mile marker 3 a little late but Neil was there so we said our hellos and head down to the water. The Silverfork is still a little high but fishable. The rainbows were willing but they were very fast this day. If you were not 100% concentrating they would hit your fly so fast that you just wouldn't be able to set the hook on them. But luckily we all got fish. I was hoping for a brown so I could end the day with 4 species but it was not to be. I had 2 on for sure but they both came off, had one come off right at the net. All in all it was a great day with a good friend and a new friend. I plan to the Silverforkk and other parts of the South Fork every week til the snow comes. I think it will be perfect in 2 to 3 weeks, the flows should be a little lower opening a lot more holes for the fish to hid in. Hope to see people on the water, yeah right who am I kidding, I go to the Silverfor to not see people and for the pure beauty of that sweet little canyon.

Fish on!

And this picture is what it is all about.