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Thread: Pyramid Report 2/12/2020

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Carson City NV

    Default Pyramid Report 2/12/2020

    Woke up this morning @ 6:00 and went outside to take a gander at the moon.........................and thought Dang,.................... I hope this big waning moon isn't going to kill the fishing today.............................

    I pounded lots of coffee, loaded up the car, and was on the road just after 8:00.

    Went south again today and met up with Pal Carmen.
    Carmen's morning wasn't too good.....................a couple of fish before sunrise and that was it............

    I suited up and was on the water fishing around 10:00.

    Now this next part is kind of,.............................. lets just say,........................ "WEIRD".

    I don't know if one of you out there "schemed this up" or it just happened to be a HUGE coincidence, but, I fished a good portion of the day near (only a couple of ladders away from me) a fellow that was dressed and looked like SANTA CLAUS !!!!

    Yep, he was wearing waders, what looked to be a red velvet shirt under his fishing vest, had a "real" white mustache and beard, wore Santa style glasses, and a Santa hat that had a white band around his head and a black cone above the headband, and a white fluffy ball on the top of his hat.
    Now if I were going to tie a "Santa Bomb" fly for Pyramid, that's the color scheme I'd use.

    Sorry guys, I'm not losing it or wasn't hallucinating either.......... I'm sure Quinnphoto (Bill) and Carmen and Jimmy noticed him too.......

    John H...............................................are you toying with me ??????????????????????????????????

    Anyhow, from 10:00 till 2:00 I didn't have ANY strikes............ I was fearing a re-visit by Mr. Skunk.

    Around 2:00 Carmen said he was going down the beach to fish and for me to step into his spot.......Thanks Carmen !!!
    A few short minutes after I slipped into Carmen's spot my 'cator disappeared and I had a 4-5 second battle with a fish that went LDR...........pffffttttt.

    About 4:15, Quinnphoto (Bill), waved goodbye (I think he had to return some rented equipment to the RFS before they closed ) and I hooked and landed a fair sized ~5+ lbs fish just before he left.

    WWWHHHHHEEEWWWWWWW................the skunk was gone...............................

    I fished till dark with one other 'cator "take down" that I didn't hook up with.......

    I ended up my day going 1 for 3.
    Everyone else fared about the was a slow day for all today.

    For the ride home, my small thermos of "Vegetable Beef Soup" with just the right seasoning.

    Dang Cutthroats........................................

    Bob who's still wondering about the "Santa thing" today.........................
    Last edited by BS; 02-13-2020 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Thanks for the report.
    ..."I'd rather be fishing..."

    Peter V

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by Pvillarr View Post
    Thanks for the report.
    You're welcome Pvillar, even though there wasn't much catching to "report" about.
    Last edited by BS; 02-13-2020 at 01:06 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    thanks for the report bob. Ive been wondering about the switch rod set up you use...when im at pyramid i use my 12’ 6 weight steelhead spey rod for stripping streamers and beetles on a sinking shooting head; i dont make the same skagit casts with it i do on a river but found it easier for casting in the wind if i roll cast it or even backhand cast it and can get more distance than a single hand rod, but havent tried the bobber rig with midges yet on the long rod. Do you use a WF floating line with the switch rod, or a floating shooting head with a floating tip for the indicator rig? Im going to fish pyramid at least one weekend in march and would like to give it a shot then as i know it can be deadly and assume you can chuck it out there farther.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Hey, I’ve had way less productive trips there than your visit lol
    ..."I'd rather be fishing..."

    Peter V

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tejas !!


    Hey Bob,

    Hope you enjoyed the day, kinda worried about the santa sighting though! hope its not a virus or anything! (too soon?)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Fair Oaks


    Nice to see you again Bob. You know I have seen Santa fishing there a few times and now I don’t even think about it. I guess it is a little unusual Glad you caught that late fish. You were working the water hard yesterday. The lake owed you one!!!!!

  8. #8
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    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by Jcolin View Post
    thanks for the report bob. Ive been wondering about the switch rod set up you use...when im at pyramid i use my 12’ 6 weight steelhead spey rod for stripping streamers and beetles on a sinking shooting head; i dont make the same skagit casts with it i do on a river but found it easier for casting in the wind if i roll cast it or even backhand cast it and can get more distance than a single hand rod, but havent tried the bobber rig with midges yet on the long rod. Do you use a WF floating line with the switch rod, or a floating shooting head with a floating tip for the indicator rig? Im going to fish pyramid at least one weekend in march and would like to give it a shot then as i know it can be deadly and assume you can chuck it out there farther.

    Here you go !!!!!!!
    I copied and pasted this from my 1/29/2020 Pyramid Report.

    "My Gear..........

    I've got three rods that use at the lake.

    For stripping sinking lines, I use a single hand 10' 8wt. rod I built many years ago (All-Star Blank) which was very close to a Dan Craft fast action blank of that era.

    My sinking fly line is a Rio Outbound Short WF8I/S6 and I use a stripping basket with it.
    Believe it or not, I'm able to cast my sinking line further with a double haul, using this single hand rod, than I can with a two-hander.

    For my first floating rig I have a 7wt. Redington Dually (older version) 7113-4 Switch Rod.
    My floating line is a Wulff Ambush @ 550 grains.
    Yep, my rod may be a bit overlined, but it matches MY casting stroke, can punch into a moderate head wind, and rips two tungsten bead head flies with a large indicator a long way.............. if needed.

    My second floating rig is a Cabelas Vector 6wt. 1106-4 Switch Rod.
    I use a Scientific Anglers Adapt Switch Line @ 440 grains (now discontinued).
    This rig feels nice and light in hand, but lacks the "authority" to cast into a moderate head wind like my 7wt. does..............of course.

    Late Edit: I do not overhead cast either of my floating rigs. I use a single spey/roll cast".

    So, in essence, my floating lines are a "scandoid" type and they do serve me well at Pyramid.
    I don't use any tips, I use a 2-4 foot 40lb amnesia leader butt and ~13 feet of 12lb flurocarbon as my leader.
    That 13 foot length is about the maximum length that "I can cast" and still get good turn-over.
    And be forewarned that the Wulff Ambush line has a DEFINITE memory/coiling problem in the head portion if you're considering that line.

    Hope this helps you a little bit !!!!

    Last edited by BS; 02-13-2020 at 03:54 PM.

  9. #9
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    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by Quinnphoto View Post
    Nice to see you again Bob. You know I have seen Santa fishing there a few times and now I don’t even think about it. I guess it is a little unusual Glad you caught that late fish. You were working the water hard yesterday. The lake owed you one!!!!!

    Likewise.................. good to see you out there again.

    And Thank You for validating my "Santa sighting" yesterday.

    Maybe see you next week............................

    Last edited by BS; 02-13-2020 at 10:31 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr T View Post
    Hey Bob,

    Hope you enjoyed the day, kinda worried about the santa sighting though! hope its not a virus or anything! (too soon?)
    Mr T,

    Yep, I always enjoy my Pyramid trips............ ....................even if it's a brutal skunkin'.

    After "bustin' a gut" with the "Santa Bomb" thing earlier this week, I couldn't believe I was fishing within 60-70 feet of "Santa Claus" yesterday.

    Geez, I was even scanning the beach looking for his big red bag filled with fish and cans of soup !!!!

    Are you and Jake EVER going to make it up here.............................. this year ???

    Last edited by BS; 02-13-2020 at 10:59 AM.


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