Last Saturday, 12/23, Slim1 and I hit New Melones to try our luck at fly fishing for some big bows from my canoe.

Started the day casting flies in Angles Cove for a few hours for nada.

Then we headed over to Angles Creek arm and tried trolling flies along the shore and that's when we started getting into a few trout.

The first trout I caught was a planter while trolling an olive woolly bugger.

A little later, with the same olive woolly bugger, I hooked a second and much bigger fish, but it brought my leader off. Bummer! My leader must have gotten damaged from the previous fish.

Then in the late afternoon, I caught this beautiful 19" bow while trolling a muddler minnow on my 5wt. (picture by Slim1).

That was the last fish of the day. What a beautiful winter day it was to be on the water. And thanks to Slim1 for the great company and helping to make the day possible.