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Thread: Weaverville Fire and the Trinity river

  1. #1

    Default Weaverville Fire and the Trinity river

    Now that it appears contained, and people and their property look out of danger, does anyone know where the Weaverville fire was burning and how it might affect the river this Fall and Winter? The reports I've read say that it didn't make its way into Weaverville and that it was burning on both sides of 299.

  2. #2

    Default junction city fire

    the fire was only 3000 or so acres it was close to junction city. It is too early to say what the effects will be. probably not much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Trinity fire

    According to the weaverville paper and trinity fly shop the fire's effect on the river should be minimal. There will be some erosion loss, but I believe the USFS and CDF will take steps to mitigate this with straw, etc. There should also be enough time for native grasses and weeds to fill in, which is what happened with the last big fire over there. Despite very heavy rains, there was not a lot of extra erosion and sedimentation after the French Gulch fire.
    The worst thing about the fire was that embers carried over into Weaverville started a fire that burned the LaGrange restaurant, arguably the best easting place in Northwestern California.
    do it with a long rod and a gentle touch.


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