When I'm dorado fishing I take out a cooler with frozen two liter bottles of ice. When I decide that I'm going to keep a fish whether because it's hooked mortally or because I need fish for dinner, I fillet the the fish as soon as it's in the boat, even if in the midst of furious action.

Dorado as a fish do not keep well. Experts say that if not iced down withing fifteen minutes of being killed a Dorado's flesh will change perceptivly as to taste and quality.

If I decide to keep that creature that moments before was free to roam the oceans, I believe I can honor its life best by treating it with the respect of a quick death with a club over the head and then immediate filletting.

Fly fishing is a blood sport. Even those who ardently practice catch and release know that some of the fish they release will die due to stress or mishandling. The least we can do, should we decide to kill a fish, is to honor it by caring for it's meat, providing something wholesome from the struggle.