This is a small cold weather/cold water mayfly that is an #18 or smaller.

On cold cloudy/foggy overcast humid days you will see them comming off on many low elevation rivers/streams.

Most smaller steelhead and trout will work these hatches.

They are usually big smooth slicks.

This could be on any of our Valley rivers.

Look for them mid-day on the Lower American River all winter.

They will be on the lower Yuba, Feather, Sac, Trinity......most all have them at times.

You can use a #18 Adams Paradun with 6x tippet. There are patterns just for this insect too.

This is a bug that is found early and late season or on very cold streams.

There is some confussion about the exact identity of these little mayflies but in general we try to match the size and then the color of the belly. Most time our bugs are too big.

If you need a real trout fishing dry fly fix this winter be prepared and go look for this 'happening'.