I launched at Kennedy park in Napa at sunrise this morning and fished the stretch of river between town and Cuttings Warf. I fished the incoming tide and had 2 grabs on flashtail clousers. The first strike resulted in a couple of reel screaming runs and a 32-34" stripe to hand. After a quick photo and a check on the boga (12.5#), she was released. Unfortunately the photo didn't come out...my hands must have been shaking too much! I cleanly whiffed the second grab and called it a morning at 10.
There were a few other anglers out today, but the only person who had any luck caught a 6# stripe on a clouser. I also saw a few lost salmon rolling. The water temps were 64-66. The fishing should continue to improve until the water temps drop below 50 and the fish become really sluggish. Tight lines!