Just came back from the trip on the Delta with KD. It was afternoon on the Delta and extremely windy (isn't that redundant? ) It was hard to find a place where it was even relatively calm and that made casting interesting. (As in "duck" here he goes again!! ) Hooked one decent striper (5 lbs?) that I managed to lose just as I got it to the boat and landed two small ones. At least I know that the Clousers I tied will fool some of the more uneducated fish.

After the sun set we spend a little time on top for bass and got a couple of strikes, but with my bad eyes and the darkness they had gone back to sleep by the time I tried to set the hook.

According to KD the temperature has cooled considerably since yesterday, and the reports say it will keep cooling for a while, so bring a sweater if you are going out this weekend.

With any luck I will be out in my canoe around the Piper Slough area throwing turkeys sans cranberry sauce in a couple of weeks. Next week I'm planning on going down to the Houston area (assuming the airport is receiving customers) to help my daughter and her family clean up (they live halfway between Houston and Galveston) . Everyone is in Dallas and doing fine, we'll know about the house by Wednesday.