If you are new to Halfpounder Steelheading on the Lower American River then I would advise taking a class from top local fly fishing instructor Jeff Putnam. You will learn about tackle and flies and then how to "read the water" so you know where to fish, then you will learn some good techniques as well.

Half Pound Steelhead Class / Thursday /4pm – Dark

September 22 / $50 per person / jeff@jpflyfishing.com / (916)502-2037

Or hire a good fly fishing guide for the day. You could probably buddy up with someone here on this BB to split the cost.

Top local fly fishing drift boat guides Mike Bias, Keith Kaneko, Andy Guibord and Jeff Putnam are all very good at guiding and teaching too.

September/October is prime time for Fall Steelhead.

photo of lower American River Halfpounder by MSP (I love those little buggers)