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Thread: Highway 20 access on the lower Yuba river.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Walnut Creek


    Jonny B would've been all over this if he was still with us.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    quick update:

    I heard back from CDFW, who referred the matter to ~20 staff, who knew nothing about the gate; and told to report to CalTip, which I did today.

    I got a private message on this form from State Lands Commission (from a staff person who works there and fly fishes), that my inquiry was received.

    This is very unfortunate and inexcusably unexplained. I am rather bewildered, astonished, but mostly disappointed, that this would be done without any consideration of the Public which has been using this access to a navigable water for decades.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by amoeba View Post
    quick update:

    I heard back from CDFW, who referred the matter to ~20 staff, who knew nothing about the gate; and told to report to CalTip, which I did today.

    I got a private message on this form from State Lands Commission (from a staff person who works there and fly fishes), that my inquiry was received.

    This is very unfortunate and inexcusably unexplained. I am rather bewildered, astonished, but mostly disappointed, that this would be done without any consideration of the Public which has been using this access to a navigable water for decades.
    And, I also emailed Jon Messick to determine if the Yuba County Board of Supervisors had anything to do with this; per Kondo's post earlier here, I couldn't tell; and have been unable to find any record pertaining to this access location (north side of hwy 20 crossing).

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    East Bay


    Seems that NO ONE knows who did this then a visit with a sawzall or a torch set to remove it wouldn’t be illegal. I’m sure we will find out pretty quick who put it up after it’s been removed.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    el cerrito


    Thank you guys for being diligent on this, it continues to amaze me how so many government people, who should be aware of this, know nothing. There is a truth somewhere amongst all of this disinformation. My firm belief is that they just play dumb and figure we will go away over time. At the very least, the Yuba Country sheriff’s are very aware of this, as is the Yuba County Public works and possibly some people from Yuba County Board of Supervisors.

    As I posted earlier, the gate on the south side of the river should be unlocked and open at this point. The 18 month time limit on that road closure has expired!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    So I found some information on the Yuba County Board website at least for the gate on the Hammonton Road One the person that wanted the gate is Mike Lee with the Yuba County Community Development and Services Agency. Yubaman Bob is right the Resolution was for 18 months and the resolution was executed around 7/25/23. That Gate was paid for by Teichert a gravel company. It was closed due to all the 4 WD vehicles tearing up the south side of the Yuba on a mix of Public and Private property. It should be opened and everyone should call Mike Lee at the County. You can see the Resolution and the Mike Lee recommendation at

    The agenda item is 324 2023.

    Not sure about the upper gate, but the quarry may have paid for the gate. It doesn't seem legal, but I bet Mike Lee knows something about this as well.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    The letter also says they can extend resolution if no one protests so call or email. I can't find a board agenda but the board is definitely not notifying fishing groups. Here is some contact information for the Agency.

    Michael Lee, CDSA Director
    915 8th Street, Suite 123
    Marysville, California 95901

    Public Counter Hours
    Monday - Friday
    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.)
    Se Habla Español
    PH: (530) 749-5430
    FAX: (530) 749-5616

  8. #48
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by yubaman View Post
    Mogaru, I agree completely. The Yuba County Sheriff’s for instance, suddenly see a gate across the road and don’t seem to know much? Hhhhmmmm . . .

    Interestingly, I ran into a Parks Bar Rd. resident a couple of months back and chatted her up about the gate. Her information was that the road is private, which then caused me to show her the road on my landowner app, showing it as public. She proclaimed it as “incorrect”. Bull#@%*. She told me that all of the property owners on Parks Bar Road were fed up with trespassing on their properties and that Nordic Industries had installed the gate with approval of CHP, Yuba County Sherriff’s, Yuba County Supervisors, etc. etc., etc.

    BTW, she also told me that the gate is usually closed but unlocked M-F, 8 am- 5 pm. Do not know if this is true?

    How much of this is correct or incorrect, I have no idea. It was interesting to hear for sure. As I said, I am most interested in eventually hearing the factual version behind this.[/QUOTE

    Yubaman, I think you just found the truth........That's why in my first post I said ....who benefits from all of this? .Most likely th residents on Parks bar rd and the business got together talk to the county and were given the OK to lock up the rd. The county knows they are doing something illegal and that why they keep passing the ball deputies and not publishing it on their site as they should. Eventually is going to backfire on them so they better reverse the course. This road was built with people's funds and therefore is a public road.
    I would think that those persons responsible for "locking up the road" should be VERY VERY concerned about liability/litigation. My Point being......... given the recent wildfires in L.A. / the Camp Fire in Paradise and the Park fire in Chico/Red Bluff with the unfortunate loss of life and property, who would be ultimately responsible if the gate was locked and a wildfire ripped through the area at say, 7:00a.m. (before the gate was to be unlocked at 8:00a.m. M-F) hindering firefighting efforts and/or medical assistance to potential victims/residents of Parks Bar Road.
    I just couldn't hold back my thoughts on this any longer..............
    I reside "out of state now" but I do applaud the efforts made by everyone here that has involved themselves in this matter. Smells like a bunch of Good 'ol boys horse shi_ to me.

    Just had to put in my 2 cents.

    Out of state and watching..............

    Last edited by BS; 02-12-2025 at 11:25 PM.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2010
    South Dakota


    Not really an issue. Cal Fire would be through that gate in about 15 seconds if they needed to get in there. Everyone needs to contact this Lees dude asap though.
    There are few things in life more pleasing than the sublime marriage of form and function that is found in a well crafted fly rod.

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    Vintage Powell collector/dealer
    Cell: 605-858-0800

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by jmac View Post
    Hi Amoeba, and all others,

    I am an attorney who has fished the Yuba extensively in the past. I am in Sacramento. If anyone who knows the information relating to this issue wants to work with me on the background, I am happy to file a lawsuit against whomever is responsible, do the discovery to find out the true facts, and then get the court to grant access if that is consistent with California law. Please respond with your phone number and I will call so we can arrange a meeting to discuss.
    Do you think we have claim to a prescriptive easement? For both the new north side gate and Hamondton Smartville road closure ? It seems to me ( a layperson ) all the elements for prescriptive easement are in place. Must this easement be established in court, or does it already exist based merely on fact ? Could one use that as a defense against a trespassing suit ( either civil or criminal)?


    Pete Koistinen
    Yuba River angler


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