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Thread: Twisted leaders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Santa Rosa, Calif

    Default Twisted leaders

    Hey guys,

    I tie hundreds of salt water twisted leaders, I also think that having these perfect leaders tied especially designed for your specific application is very important to your good success. All twisted leaders don't work for all applications. I tie a very special leaders for my 9 wt. that I wouldn't think of using on my 12 wt, mostly because of the weight and length of a bigger fly. I am sure I will never go tarpon fishing again, however if I did I am sure I would have killer twisted leaders just for Tarpon.

    PS When I first started testing these leaders, I didn't like the idea of using a little swivel, however after a while in real life situations I changed my mine and can adjust the weight of the different size swivels depending on how deep the fish were holding and how long I wanted to soak the leader before I retrieved. And again the smaller lines and flies are different then the larger flies

    Carl Blsckledge
    Last edited by Carl Blackledge; 01-20-2025 at 12:48 PM.


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