I spent some time on the coast in Oregon. I did a lot of walking around with my camera looking for birds. It seemed like I was not getting many good shots but I did see a lot of birds and saw some that were new to me. I caught a couple of coho and a couple of crabs and bummed some rockfish filets off a charter boat captain at the marina so there was some good seafood. Lots of blueberries as well. Good times but no great adventures. Here are a few pictures. I like the pigeon guillemot that is carrying a sculpin back to the nest. Maybe my next post will actually be about fly fishing. We'll see.
Deer in the yard
Townsend's chipmunk
Bird rock
Pigeon guillemot with a sculpin
Pelagic cormorant
Baby chickadee
Nesting tufted puffins and common murres at Haystack Rock
Setting sun
Ocean coho