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Thread: Clear Lake Sweatfest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Clear Lake Sweatfest

    I did some camping and fishing at Clear Lake. Needless to say it was pretty hot. It was a reasonable 99 when I left home but got as high as 118 along the way and was 112 or somethig like that when I got to Clear Lake. The last 10 days have been 100+ and it looks like a few more are coming before we get some mercy. Generally we all sit in our houses, cars or offices with the AC on and don't experience a full day of the environment we live in so it is interesting to get out in the summer and be in the hot weather 24/7 for a few days. It kind of wore me out. I need to watch some Andy Griffith and rest. I am too old to be out there in the heat all day.

    The water at Clear Lake was 85 to 93 depending on the time of day. It seemed like the fish were shallow at dawn and willing to grab topwater but after that went to the depths to cool off. Some came back in the evening but outside of the early and late topwater bite it was tough for the fly rodder to catch a bass. This left plenty of time to look for critters to photograph and bike to Kelseyville for a soda. I would like to go when the weather and fishing is better like maybe April or May. I am afraid the number of bass boats buzzing around would be crazy but I might have to try it and see.

    A bunch of pictures. A lot happening out there.

    Last edited by John H; 07-11-2024 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hidden Valley Lake, Ca.


    Great pictures! I live about a half hour away from the lake. It's too hot for me to be out there. Might try it in the fall.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Stow, MA


    Wonderful images John!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sebastian, FL, USA, Earth


    Thanks John....I love to see John's wonderful posts here.

    In the 1960s when I worked at a bait shop in West Sacramento we sold thousands of "Crappie minnows" in April/May to folks going to

    Clear Lake. They were 1.5" long and I guess they caught a lot of Crappie with them.


    John, I would love to see you take your boat and camp in the summer at Lawson's landing on Tomales Bay.

    They catch lots of Halibut inside the protected shallow Tomales Bay in the summer months.

    They get some Stripers in the surf of Dillons Beach right here and inside the bay too.

    They ahve been cleaning up the bay and anchovies come inside now too.

    I know you know about the weather over there in the summer....65 high.

    I know some of the guys who run Lawson's who fisha lot and have good info.

    They have several different kinds of crabs, clams and you can buy fresh commercial oysters raised on the bay now.

    We really miss going there in the summer with our little motorhome and towing our small 14-foot boat.

    Daily fishing report from Lawson's Landing.

    Nice Striper is caught by Willie Vogler, of Lawson's.

    Scroll down to see lots of fish caught almost daily, all summer.

    When you are there mention my name to Willie and he will help you.... a super fisherman and nice guy.
    Bill Kiene (Boca Grande)

    567 Barber Street
    Sebastian, Florida 32958

    Fly Fishing Travel Consultant
    Certified FFF Casting Instructor

    Cell: 530/753-5267

    Contact me for any reason........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Petaluma Ca


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Kiene semi-retired View Post
    Thanks John....I love to see John's wonderful posts here.

    In the 1960s when I worked at a bait shop in West Sacramento we sold thousands of "Crappie minnows" in April/May to folks going to

    Clear Lake. They were 1.5" long and I guess they caught a lot of Crappie with them.


    John, I would love to see you take your boat and camp in the summer at Lawson's landing on Tomales Bay.

    They catch lots of Halibut inside the protected shallow Tomales Bay in the summer months.

    They get some Stripers in the surf of Dillons Beach right here and inside the bay too.

    They ahve been cleaning up the bay and anchovies come inside now too.

    I know you know about the weather over there in the summer....65 high.

    I know some of the guys who run Lawson's who fisha lot and have good info.

    They have several different kinds of crabs, clams and you can buy fresh commercial oysters raised on the bay now.

    We really miss going there in the summer with our little motorhome and towing our small 14-foot boat.

    Daily fishing report from Lawson's Landing.

    Nice Striper is caught by Willie Vogler, of Lawson's.

    Scroll down to see lots of fish caught almost daily, all summer.

    When you are there mention my name to Willie and he will help you.... a super fisherman and nice guy.
    Well Bill,
    Ditto John's pics and posts are grandly appreciated.
    As a FYI....for a couple seasons there has been an area of white sea bass inside and an area of stripers across the bay also. Right now the halibut are plentiful enough Susan and self are going to try flinging feathers at them tomorrow for awhile.
    .....lee s.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sebastian, FL, USA, Earth


    Thanks Lee,

    I wish we could get more Delta "Striper" skiff guys over there now.

    Camping and fishing at Lawson's Landing.

    Text me some photos of the boats and fishing.
    Bill Kiene (Boca Grande)

    567 Barber Street
    Sebastian, Florida 32958

    Fly Fishing Travel Consultant
    Certified FFF Casting Instructor

    Cell: 530/753-5267

    Contact me for any reason........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hi John H,

    Your photography skills are exceptional! I always enjoy reading your posts about what adventure John has been up to now. You say an awful lot with few words spoken. Your photos convey a sense of the wonder of nature and our environment. They don't just capture a moment of time, but they tell a story about what is going on and that takes photography to a whole level up. Thank you for the posts. I'm sure you said this in the past, but do you mind sharing your camera equipment, esp. lenses? You've inspired me to bring the camera back along with the boat bag. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Bill - I would love to get a couple of halibut. We’ll see.

    Boomer - Thanks for the positive comments. I would not do it if I thought nobody was interested so it is good to know it is appreciated. I am using two cameras now. The first camera is a newer Nikon with a 500 mm lens which is good for birds and other wildlife. It is big and cumbersome to haul around so I don’t always take it. Bird and wildlife photos take some time so if I am going with someone they likely don’t want to watch me take pictures for two hours so I leave it at home. It does not focus inside 10 feet so for the lizard and the bugs I had to back up. The other camera is an older Nikon with an 18 mm lens. It is good for the shots where I hold the fish just out of the water. The lens is short so I can hold the camera and shoot with one hand. The camera is only about a foot from the fish and an inch above the water when I take those. The lens is wide enough that I never miss the fish and it does not have distortion of the horizon line like a lot of wide lenses. Sometimes I use my phone as well. I also have an Olympus TG 5 which can go underwater. I used to use the Olympus all the time but not so much anymore. By serious photographer standards I am not very serious but I like what I am doing and getting and that is good enough for me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Neither new or improved, but now in Redmond OR


    The bookmatched swallowtails is a cool shot. I like the acorn woodie too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    I just found my Olympus. Misplaced it for almost two years. Found it in one of my tying material drawers under some hackles.
    Gotta charge up the batteries and start using it again. I've been using my GoPro alot.
    Nice photo's of the wildlife and bass.
    Jay Murakoshi


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