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Thread: Burney area report

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Jay, Outpost is across from Green Gables Inn between Shasta Pines and the VFW hall. Been there for a good while but it was originally at 4-corners.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    East Bay


    I was up there this weekend. Stayed at Shasta Pines and had dinner at the Outpost! Stayed away from the steak...had two teeth pulled last week so it was soup and pasta and Hexagenia IPA! I try to get up there every May for a weekend before it gets silly around Memorial Day.

    I fished Hat Creek on Saturday, regular as clockwork the tan caddis came off at 8am, huge clouds of them, and as always the fish weren't interested in them because they know the tricos start at 9am. 9am the clouds of tricos started coming off and the spinner fall was excellent. Had 6 fish in an hour on a size 20 spinner on my 7'5" bamboo rod. It was a blast! Had a chat with Dick Galland in the parking lot too! The rest of the day was pretty quiet. I fished all the way down to Wood Duck Island and back up the other side and I have to say I've never seen as many suckerfish and squawfish in the creek. Big pods of them. Id get all excited sneaking up on a fish and then realise what it was. Plenty of trout too, but none would rise to a dry fly.

    I got in a couple of hours Sunday morning in the riffle and again the spinners were falling after 9am and the fish were sipping. I had one 20 inch rainbow in the net which sent me on the log drive home with a huge grin on my face. It was hopping with people on Saturday but I had the place to myself Sunday. A group of guys arrived about 11am as I was leaving...they finished a bottle of bourbon in the lot while gearing up! my kinda fishing

    One thing to note is that the NPS has closed the trail down to Burney Creek below the falls for the rest of the year for repairs, so no fishing down there.
    You can't buy happiness, but you can buy new fly fishing gear and that usually does the trick.


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